A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

Yes yes yes!!

Post 161

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

We need more people in this thread!!! smiley - yikes

Yes yes yes!!

Post 162

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

We need more people in this thread!!! smiley - yikes

Yes yes yes!!

Post 163

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

We need more people in this thread!!! smiley - yikes

Yes yes yes!!

Post 164

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

We need more people in this thread!!! smiley - yikes

Yes yes yes!!

Post 165

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

We need more people in this thread!!! smiley - yikes

Yes yes yes!!

Post 166

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

We need more people in this thread!!! smiley - yikes

Yes yes yes!!

Post 167

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

We need more people in this thread!!! smiley - yikes

Yes yes yes!!

Post 168

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

We need more people in this thread!!! smiley - yikes

Yes yes yes!!

Post 169

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

Whoops, sorry, I did it again! smiley - grr Sch**l...smiley - sadface

Yes yes yes!!

Post 170

Jonson - Serf of the Wierd Inititave Rhinos!

Yes! Yes! Yes! smiley - smiley

Yes yes yes!!

Post 171

Jonson - Serf of the Wierd Inititave Rhinos!

Yes! Yes! Yes! smiley - smiley

Yes yes yes!!

Post 172

Jonson - Serf of the Wierd Inititave Rhinos!

Yes! Yes! Yes! smiley - smiley

Yes yes yes!!

Post 173

Jonson - Serf of the Wierd Inititave Rhinos!

Yes! Yes! Yes! smiley - smiley

Yes yes yes!!

Post 174

Jonson - Serf of the Wierd Inititave Rhinos!

Yes! Yes! Yes! smiley - smiley

Yes yes yes!!

Post 175

Jonson - Serf of the Wierd Inititave Rhinos!

Yes! Yes! Yes! smiley - smiley

Yes yes yes!!

Post 176

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

Oh smiley - groan

Yes yes yes!!

Post 177

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

Oh smiley - groan

Yes yes yes!!

Post 178

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

Oh smiley - groan

Yes yes yes!!

Post 179

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

Oh smiley - groan

Yes yes yes!!

Post 180

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

Oh smiley - groan

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