A Conversation for The Penguin Intergalactic Investigation Bureau

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1721

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

*sits in chair*

Look --> a distraction

*swipes Fez*

smiley - run

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1722

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

Luckily I have a spare
*Replaces Fez*

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1723

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

NOOOO!!! I've been thwarted...Maybe I should just shoot it off...hold very still

smiley - evilgrin

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1724

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?


The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1725

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

*shoots off Kipper's arm*

What did I say?

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1726

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*convenently isn't watching*

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1727

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

Ahhh! Why would You Do that?

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1728

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

You moved; I was aiming for the Fez.

smiley - angel

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1729

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

*Arm Regrows*
Leave my fez Alone

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1730

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

No, It's silly...

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1731

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

They're cool, Next you'll say you don't like My Bow tie

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1732

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

It needs to be brighter *gives a new rainbow coloured bow tie*

smiley - biggrin

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1733

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

Listen I May occasionaly dress Like the Sixth Doctor But I'm not totally Tasteless

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1734

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

Ahem *points to fez*

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1735

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?


The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1736

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

It's terrible...why don't you get a top hat or something?

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

Post 1737

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

I've got one, I'm in a Fez Mood

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Kipper. I Can't Do That

Post 1738

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

Okay then *puts on rainbow striped Fez* now I'll claim it was my idea

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Kipper. I Can't Do That

Post 1739

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

You Can't do that!
That's not fair smiley - wah

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Kipper. I Can't Do That

Post 1740

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

You pushed me to it

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The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Dave. I Can't Do That

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