A Conversation for The Penguin Intergalactic Investigation Bureau

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1661

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

Oi Inter its your go

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1662

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

ahh ok, did you hear? last week two boats crashed in the thames, one carrying rad paint and another carrying blue.

apparently the crew are marooned smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheesecake

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1663

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

Stop That Man Playing the Harp, He's a criminal
No Its true

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1664

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

maybe its the same criminal who snuck behind the police station with a flamethrower and destroyed their herb garden

he was arrested for wasting police thyme

smiley - cheesecake

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1665

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

He sounds like the crook who broke into the Police Bathrooms and stole the toilets and Mirrors.
The Police have nothing to go on But they're looking into it

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1666

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

*goes to hide in sound proof room*

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1667

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

Ah ah Perse, You're the judge

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1668

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

But I don't like puns,

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1669

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

That's why you're the judge

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1670

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

smiley - wah

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1671

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

fork to spoon - "who was that ladle i saw you with last night?" spoon - "that was no ladle! that was my knife!"

smiley - cheesecake

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1672

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

be honest kipper, are you using a joke book?

smiley - cheesecake

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1673

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

Nope Cross My heart

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1674

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

Visitors to the World Potato Conference get a Potato clock, and By Nine They've left the house

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1675

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

Why don't you just have a pavlova war?

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1676

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

i dont get it smiley - erm

julius ceasar is addressing the colloseum "friends, romans and countrymen, i have returned from my campain in france where i killed 50,000 gauls!" the crown is up on its feet cheering and clapping and "hail ceasar"ing, suddenly, Brutus jumps up and yells "caesar lies! i have just discovered that he killed but 25,000 gauls!" "indeed" caesar replies "but remember, away gauls count double in europe"

smiley - cheesecake

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1677

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

Say It out loud
Last saturday I was in the Park, And I though, Why does a frisbee get beiiger when it gets closer? and then It Hit Me

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1678

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

double sigh

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1679

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

harry is hired to paint the inside of a church, he accepts but then discovers that he has to provide the paint himself, so he starts painting but then he realises that he doesnt have nearly enough paint, so he adds a ton of thinner so it will last longer, a few hours later the same thing happens so he adds more thinner still, eventually you could hardly see the paint at all! then there was a crack of thunder and a voice boomed out "HARRY! RE-PAINT AND THIN NO MORE!!!"

smiley - cheesecake

The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

Post 1680

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

smiley - wah

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The Iced Bun: Harmless Pun, All in good Pun, Clean Healthy P- You get the idea

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