A Conversation for The Penguin Intergalactic Investigation Bureau

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Kipper. I Can't Do That

Post 1741

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

*Repaces fez with Top Hat*

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Kipper. I Can't Do That

Post 1742

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

Yay, now I'm unique

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1743

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

*Pulls out a shotgun*

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1744

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!


*takes off fez*

see, no fez, now put the shotgun away...I didn't mean it

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1745

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

Alright I'll Just
Oops, That penguin's none too Pleased

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1746

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

Did you just shoot a penguin? I thought we promised not to annoy them any more since we plew up their planet, and restaurant

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1747

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

That was a dream Remember?

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1748

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

It was a group dream, which means the penguins were asleep too...and I'm pretty sure we've destroyed the iced bun since

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1749

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

No Its still intact

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1750

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

What, really?

*gets sledgehammer and makes hole in the wall*

not any more

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1751

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

smiley - sigh

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1752

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

*penguins glare*


The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1753

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

No, Peng, Don't call Mr Flibble, I'll deal with her

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1754

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

Aww, I like mr Flibble, My mum made me one when I was little...but it lacked bow tie

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1755

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

I want one!

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1756

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

I wonder if I could make a bow tie for it...I'm pretty sure I know where it is. It's just a hand puppet with a beak sewn on, and black and white fur

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1757

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

Red and White checked Bow tie wasn't it?

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1758

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

I said it lacked bow tie...I thought that was Rimmer's dress

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1759

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

Actually, The tie is Red and with, Very tiny squares

The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Persephone. I Can't Do That......Alright I Can

Post 1760

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

I'll have to google it some time

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The Iced Bun: I'm Sorry Kipper. I Can't Do That

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