Making A Great Okonomiyaki
Created | Updated May 17, 2016
Okonomiyaki is a delicious Japanese food. It means 'as you like it'.
You will need:
- 2/3 cup water
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup plain flour
- 1 onion
- 1/4 cabbage head chopped into 1cm square pieces
- One handful of frozen (small) prawns, cooked beef, cooked turkey or cooked chicken (or if you really must, pork)
- A sheet of Nori from your local supermarket, very finely chopped
- Dried Bonito flakes (optional, but boy do they taste good!)
- Golden Soya Mayonnaise from Woolworths1 Health Food Section (with or without honey and lemon); this mayonnaise tastes like the Japanese Kewpie Doll mayonnaise
What to do:
- Mix the water and flour together then beat in the eggs.
- Add the chopped cabbage/onion/meat until everything is well coated with batter.
- In a warmed medium size frypan (or even better, use a non-stick pan) with a small amount of oil pour in the batter.
- Patiently let the pancake cook through - if you want it authentic keep prodding at it every thirty seconds.
- Let someone more dextrous take over. Ideally flip the pancake over in one piece. You may want to slide it onto a plate and then invert the plate onto the pan.
- Listen to the dextrous person swear a lot as the pancake goes everywhere.
- Once the pancake is cooked through take out to table in pan. Cover in mayonnaise, sauce, nori flakes and bonito flakes.
- Stuff yourself silly!
1This is the Australian version of the Woolworths supermarket chain.