A Conversation for The Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 361

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

Welcome. smiley - biggrin

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 362

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

Yes indeed, very welcome.

Have your complimentary cow....or carrot if you prefer a vegetarian alternative.

smiley - dragon

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 363

Llama- Prophet of Foons

whoo! A carrot!!...llamas are vegetarian even the flying kind.

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 364

Webby-I'm with stupid<-

U number:
What mythical creature are you:goblin
Skills:I know my left from right
Rank Ambition (job in the guild you want):tea boysmiley - tea
Thursday or Thing:Thing

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 365

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

Welcome, Webby!

Have your complimentary cow - or carrot.

smiley - dragon

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 366

Naped Ha'Pre the wererat, Dragon, professional assasin, magician, and padawan, Destroyer of Computers, (and still building)

YAY!!! A new creature again!!! WE'RE GETTING POPULAR!!!

Welcome to you Webby

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 367

Webby-I'm with stupid<-

I've got some biscuits here somewhere smiley - tea anyone?

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 368


Give me some time to get you on the roster.

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 369


I am pleased ti announce that all new members are on the roster

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 370

Llama- Prophet of Foons

and I am pleased to annouce that I am pleased to be on the roster XD And welcome webby! want some smiley - choc I have extra.

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 371

Naped Ha'Pre the wererat, Dragon, professional assasin, magician, and padawan, Destroyer of Computers, (and still building)

and i'm pleased to announce that after 3 weeks you got around to reading this... and i'm also pleased to announce that this is really dead anyways

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 372

Llama- Prophet of Foons

butbut, nooo... it's not dead... just really slow... >> like molasses!!! T_T

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 373

Naped Ha'Pre the wererat, Dragon, professional assasin, magician, and padawan, Destroyer of Computers, (and still building)

HA.... i'm an apprentice seer with absolutely no master (until she manages to check this once in a while)

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 374


I'm here if that counts

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 375

Naped Ha'Pre the wererat, Dragon, professional assasin, magician, and padawan, Destroyer of Computers, (and still building)

three now, but head dragoon is not head seer, even though head dragoon has more power. Oh well, at least we're working on getting this place up and running now

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 376


Actually I'm Head Dragoon off the DragonHouse, I'm just the founder here. (Though I guess I could erase the AMCG if I felt like it)

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 377

Llama- Prophet of Foons

*gasp* You wouldn't!! O_O

btw, the flying llamas were wondering if they and the pegusi could get together and do one of those "blue angel" things. Aerial stunts and all that. They thought it might be fun.

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 378


Nah, I'm not, actually only just thought of it.
smiley - shrug I guess so, but you need to talk to them first. And why are you asking me, I'm only the founder. Ask DragonQueen

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 379

Naped Ha'Pre the wererat, Dragon, professional assasin, magician, and padawan, Destroyer of Computers, (and still building)

has anyone seen dragonqueen lately??

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 380



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