A Conversation for The Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 281

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*calls into the megaphone*

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 282

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

Well, i built a stage and a temple. I think my carpenter skills are great enough for a pub.

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 283

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Yea, well, I built a café and the omnitorium, but I don't want to fuzz around on Anole's page, you know.

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 284

Lash LeRue

Hey lets make a Undertakers?... no wait thats a little morbid... how about a graveyard!!

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 285

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - erm we are mythical creatures, not zombies, are we?

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 286

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

Yes, that´s the idea - a zombie faction!

i won´t join.

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 287

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - laugh

We need something different.

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 288

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

What about a British pub?

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 289

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Too normal? I'm not sure.smiley - huh But much better than a graveyard.

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 290

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

How about an, erm, underwater dance club?

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 291

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - cool yea, that sounds goodsmiley - ok

what a bout a cave? But underwater is more interesting I think.

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 292

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

Underwater cave! Underwater cave!

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 293

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

smiley - winkeye

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 294

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - cheerssmiley - applause yea!
With meremaid(sp.?) waitresses?

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 295

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

Why not.

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 296

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - cool

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 297

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!


Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 298

Lash LeRue


Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 299

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

What else do we need?
I think we'll have a smiley - cool light there under water.

Join the Allied Mythical Creatures Guild

Post 300

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

How about a pool? smiley - biggrin

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