A Conversation for Musehome Roster

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 21

NMcCoy (attempting to standardize my username across the Internet. Formerly known as Twinkle.)

Actually, I think I'd rather be the Muse of Space, If it's not too late to change my mind.

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 22

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


And here is your first chocolate milk as a muse!!!


smiley - magic

I'll add you to the roster later today, probably!!!


Happy Musings!!!!

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 23

NMcCoy (attempting to standardize my username across the Internet. Formerly known as Twinkle.)

smiley - cool! Thanks! Now, does that mean I'm amused or bemused? There really ought to be a verb for that. Can I inspire waffles now?

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 24

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::sings:: If you want to sing out, sing out!!!

smiley - winkeye

You can be anything you want to be.


You WILL get added to the roster, I promise...

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 25

Dinah, Dashing Doer of Daring Deeds (Muse of Alliteration)

I have an Aliteration Alias, and as museship of Aliterations is Availably i'll 'Appily Apply.

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 26

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

YAY!!! I love aliteration!!! smiley - winkeye

You could start your own Aliteration Armchair at Clio's Library of History!!! smiley - winkeye

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 27

Dinah, Dashing Doer of Daring Deeds (Muse of Alliteration)

Does that Mean the Museship is Mine?

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 28

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

Hallo Dragonfly (Almost Known As: Cinnamon Girl),

We solemnly agree to all the Muse Requirements. We wrote the Cheesecake Ice Cream recipe, and we are a serious chocolate milk drinker.

We'd love to put a link to Musehome on our page.

Would it be possible, by special dispensation, given special circumstances, for us to have more than one Musedom? You see, there is a bit of an Internal row about Muse of What.

The six-and-unders say 'Mews of Pakiderms (Akwatik Inkludid)'
The six-early teens say 'Muse of 1st Persons Plural'
The teens are divided between 'Muse of Superannuated Radical Politics'
and 'Muse of 1970s David Bowie Music'
The adults are torn between 'Muse of Drama-Queens' and
'Muse of Hermeneutics of Suspicion'

With a population of 20,000+, consensus on something like this is virtually impossible. smiley - erm

If multiple Musedoms are not possible (one Musedom per body, rather than per person -- probably not a question that has arisen before), perhaps all you Muses could decide for us?

We are already:
Keeper of Dramatic Entrances and Graphorrhoea

We are waiting to be included as:
Patron Saint of Plurality

So we've already got some of the ground covered.

Let us know what you think, everyone!

smiley - biggrin thanks!

Arpeggio, on behalf of all of LeKZ, except Alien and Bobby.

[I want to be Muse of Alien-ated Nonhumans ~ Alien]

Bobby's too small to type yet, but he wants to be the Muse of People Who Are Not Lisa - which is getting a lot of cheers in every division...

smiley - cdouble You see the problem here?smiley - laugh

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 29

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Wow. Yes, Dinah dear, you are a muse... though unofficially... I just have to put your name and title on the roster(no big deal, act like a muse now!!! smiley - winkeye)

And Arpeggio.... I would be willing to give you every museship requested, except for two problems: If I give you a billion titles, others will want really long titles, too(maybe), resulting in a LOT of WORDS. Although muses love and need words, I think Shakespeare in Hamlet put it best with something like, "less silliness and more substance". I can't remember it correctly, but I'll be in his class come fall.

Secondly, if I give your entity SO MANY titles, that is that many titles less for other potential muses to choose from...

Herrrmmm... this is a delimma...

I tell you what though... I can approve you as a muse, and when you become a member of the e-group(not mandatory, but if we carry out this plan, it is!!!), you can start a poll to choose a museship for Arpeggio. How is that!?? Fellow muses can vote on it that way, and you can enjoy the benefits of being a muse... AND... you'll have that air of mystery... smiley - winkeye

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 30

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

Dragonfly ~

Actually, after considerable time and quarrelling (as we realised if we had more than one title, *everybody* would start claiming to have multiple personalities, just for the perqs smiley - winkeye) we hit upon a Musedom on which everyone could agree.smiley - wow It took several hours, but yes, folk, it can be done!

So, we request that you, if you see fit, give us the title of:
Muse of Those Who Were Not There. smiley - biggrin

Is possible? Please leave specific What to Do Next Instructions in your reply.

smiley - smileyWe liked the idea of joining the e-group and having this become a subject for discussion, but we liked our own idea more, because we're just *like* thatsmiley - nahnah. The smiley - nahnah is definitely our favourite smiley.

Guzzling smiley - choc-milk, preparatory to having cheesecake for brunch,

Arpeggio, for LeKZ
(see our 'space' for Who Are this LeKZ Persons Anyway type questions)

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 31

Shea the Sarcastic

What's TTYS? Ta-Ta you sillies? smiley - winkeye

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 32

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

smiley - fairy

No, St Shea the Sarcastic Muse of N'Yawk, 'ttys' is open to any interpretation you care to give it.

Too Tight Your Spandex is one of my favourites.

Tough Toenails You Stupe, said the guy from da Bronx.

To Teach Your Students, from the prissy schoolmistress (British, elderly).

Twice Turned Yam Steaks, (??) from an eccentric cookery fan.

Talk To You Soon, suggests some online bulletin-board user.

Terrible Thing, You Schlemiel.

smiley - fairy
Ta-ta for now (ttfn),

Auntie, painting the town PINK, for LeKZ

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 33

Shea the Sarcastic

Ironically enough, I prefer "Tough Toenails You Stupe" ... whoda thunk? smiley - winkeye

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 34

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

Awlways happy to oblige, lady.smiley - winkeye

Guido, from da Bronx, for LeKZ

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 35

Shea the Sarcastic

Nicetameetcha, Guido! smiley - biggrin

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 36

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - winkeye All you have to do, my dear Arpeggio.. is take your personalities to the various places around the Musehome that you would like to visit... at the other Museship Positions Available Forum, we are brain-storming on a grand scheme revolving around the need for a Muse Music Library(great classics...). You(and Shea!!!!) could join in on that....

smiley - winkeye

For Ideas of places to visit, re-visit the top of the Musehome Roster Page... YAY!!! smiley - winkeye

...was this specific enough!??

I know Guido would probably enjoy some of the New York Menu section at the Iris Cafe...


smiley - magic

Happy Musings!!!

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 37

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

Thank you Dragonfly,

We are honoured, and not a little amused, to be the Muse of People Who Were Not There. smiley - wow

Many of us would enjoy the New York Menu section at the Iris Cafe. All of us who came into existence very early in life birth-2 years and some older are Brits, but the 6+ school-goers and so awn are awl N'Yawkas. Guido packs heat no matter where he goes, so, if you have a Firearms law, you'd better let us know, so we can exclude him. smiley - cross with him, not you smiley - biggrin.

We'll handle the introductions, links, etc tomorrow, because in RL, we have a movie to see tonight! Fancy, RL taking precedence over h2g2... smiley - erm

Arpeggio (Brit), who finally got the dashed smiley - fairy-Queen (from Queens, of cawse, Astawrier to be specific) to buzz awff.

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 38

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Poor old queenie...

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 39

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

Hi, just note to say v. smiley - ill today - this Muse is Not Here (for all practical purposes) Monday, maybe more...smiley - yuk

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 40

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Awww... I hate to hear that... smiley - sadface

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Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

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