A Conversation for HEAVEN...

A very Special Ceremony

Post 81

The One And Only Juno Thundercat (The Patron Saint of Ham Sandwiches)

OOH is it my turn? I'm ready

A very Special Ceremony

Post 82

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)

*watches Nessaja descend*

A very Special Ceremony

Post 83

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*shouts after Munchkins "Remember to pad the ceiling as well!!!"*

Now then - who's this?


*checks script*

*brings script right up to nose*

My eyesight is getting worse you know, can I borrow your specs, Kes?

A very Special Ceremony

Post 84

Titania (gone for lunch)

*let's go of Where is the dreamer?s arm and hurries to catch the dropping St Nessaja*

Honey - there is no roof - this is heaven, remember? But I bet the pilot of that airplane got the shock of his life!smiley - biggrin

Here, have a smiley - pggb - it'll make you forget about the pain...

A very Special Ceremony

Post 85

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)

*totters a little but successfully stands*

A very Special Ceremony

Post 86


Here we are, GB ...
*Hands over a pair of smudged, cracked reading specs with lenses like milk-bottle bottoms*

A very Special Ceremony

Post 87

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*looks up*

smiley - doh

I thought the ceiling had been painted sky-blue!

smiley - yikes

What a pretty view......*puts Kes's glasses on*

Now, where were we?

Who's this knelt before me?

The Patron Saint of Ham Sandwiches?

*leans forward*

Do you have any shoulders, dear?

Could you just jiggle about a bit, so I have a clue?

A very Special Ceremony

Post 88

The One And Only Juno Thundercat (The Patron Saint of Ham Sandwiches)

A very Special Ceremony

Post 89


Nothing to worry about .... haven't had a serious injury here in ages ...

A very Special Ceremony

Post 90

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

Thanks for the drink smiley - steam
No pain anymore.
Hey I could use this as anaesthetic!

A very Special Ceremony

Post 91

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*raises sword*

Sword flies down magically touching the smiley - angel shoulders safely and gently.
I hereby dub you the Patron Saint of Ham Sandwiches {sorry the smiley - sheepsmiley - blacksheep title was taken}

A pair of golden wings sprout from the back of the smiley - angel gown and a mustard-coloured halo appears above Saint Juno's head.

Oh what a lovely halo! That should go well with the ham sandwiches...

A very Special Ceremony

Post 92

The One And Only Juno Thundercat (The Patron Saint of Ham Sandwiches)

THANK YOU! I'm a smiley - angel. Don't i look great?

A very Special Ceremony

Post 93

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)

shpiffing *staggers and braces self against archangel Juno

A very Special Ceremony

Post 94


*Selects a flower to go with the new Saint ...... Now that would have to be ......

Ham sandwiches .... and mustard ....

Hmmm ..... I'll pick a lily smiley - biggrin

A very Special Ceremony

Post 95

Titania (gone for lunch)

Ooooo... golden wings - that's nice!smiley - ok

Now, Where is the dreamer? - this way please... no, no - not that way, this way!

*leads the somewhat reluctant Learner angel to the podium*

A very Special Ceremony

Post 96

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Organized chaos as usual, but I see we've made the Top 5 conversations!!!smiley - bubbly

*watches St Juno fly off* - mind the doors!

*squints at script*

Who's next?

*glances in the general direction of Arch Titania holding up Lsmiley - angel Where is the Dreamer?*

smiley - cross in the direction of Kes.....

A very Special Ceremony

Post 97

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)

smiley - biggrin I'm HERE!

A very Special Ceremony

Post 98

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)


A very Special Ceremony

Post 99

The One And Only Juno Thundercat (The Patron Saint of Ham Sandwiches)

I believe I can fly

A very Special Ceremony

Post 100


smiley - whistle

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