A Conversation for HEAVEN...

A very Special Ceremony

Post 61

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

Um hello!

A very Special Ceremony

Post 62

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Is Lsmiley - angelNessaja here?

*looks around*

What's that smell?

Reminds me of the dentistsmiley - yikessmiley - yikessmiley - yikes

*spies Lsmiley - angelNessaja wearing a dental coat*

smiley - erm
OK, just keep your distance!smiley - cross
Don't you come anywhere near my mouth!

Kes, would you frisk the Lsmiley - angel for hidden dental equipment?

A very Special Ceremony

Post 63

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)

smiley - hangoversmiley - sadface

A very Special Ceremony

Post 64

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

Don't worry no hidden dental equipment (well maybe some to be used in self defense)

A very Special Ceremony

Post 65

Titania (gone for lunch)

There, there...

*pats Where is the dreamer?'s hand*

You'll be able to do this!smiley - smiley

*hovers in mid-air, rather like a giant humming bird*

A very Special Ceremony

Post 66


Hello there. You are about to be Sainted ... Just a small security matter first, if you don't mind ..... some of us have a thing about visiting the dentist, you understand .....

*Checks the white coat pockets, removing several forceps, picks, funny looking bent bits of wire on handles, and a whizzy thing with a mirror on the end ...*

There ...Now you may kneel ....

A very Special Ceremony

Post 67

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)

smiley - crysmiley - smiley ok..

A very Special Ceremony

Post 68

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)

(was talking to titania.. looks around sees everyone staring and shuts up.)

A very Special Ceremony

Post 69

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

I'm kneeling.

A very Special Ceremony

Post 70

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hush everyone - it's time!smiley - bigeyes

A very Special Ceremony

Post 71

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

(I'm kneeling and bouncing up and down smiley - boing

A very Special Ceremony

Post 72

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)

chop chop smiley - biggrin

A very Special Ceremony

Post 73

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*AGB studies the script and wields the sword with her free hand*

Keep still dear, while I just find what your patronage is smiley - erm

Oh yes, I hereby appoint you the Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks.

I think I met one of those once, a good friend of Marvin's I believe.

*dubs St. Nessaja on each shoulder, taking care to make little nicks in the shoulders of the dental coat*


A traditional piece of wire wrapped in gold and silver holographic tinsel springs up from the collar of the dental coat, causing giggles all round.
Yes, it does look like Kes's first halo, and no, we haven't started a recycling of old halo's policy!

Be quiet, all you rowdy smiley - angel at the back there!

A pair of wings sprout from the back of the dental coat, causing two large tears.

Oh dear, looks like your coat is ruined, St. Nessaja.

What a shame.

Off you go.

Who's next?

*screws up eyes and studies script very closely*

A very Special Ceremony

Post 74


*Tries to study his halo by using the confiscated small dental mirror*

Whaddaya mean a scruffy old halo? Hummpph!

A very Special Ceremony

Post 75

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

Hmm these wings are nice! smiley - angel
Am I allowed to take off?

A very Special Ceremony

Post 76

Titania (gone for lunch)

Off you go, Saint Nessaja - but watch out for walls!

*helps Where's the dreamer? get up*

You won't have to wait much longer now...

A very Special Ceremony

Post 77


Ah! We're ready for the next candidate .... Who is it? *Turns to Galaxy Babe* D'you know? Pardon? No, I said "D'you know/" Oh - I see! Juno! smiley - biggrin

*Checks to see that there are no ham sandwiches in the buffet, then brings Juno to the dais.*

Here we are .....

A very Special Ceremony

Post 78

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)

thanks, i think I'll be able to shtand, I mean stand

A very Special Ceremony

Post 79

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

Walls are ok, it's the ceiling im worried about

A very Special Ceremony

Post 80

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Did anyone pad the walls?

*looks around*

Where ARE those munchkins when you need them?

*rings bell*

Several munchkins appear from nowhere.

AGB points to walls smiley - cross

Go pad the walls !!!!!!!!
Otherwise we'll have more smiley - injurednew smiley - angel and they're never quite the same.....

smiley - doh

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