A Conversation for HEAVEN...

A very Special Ceremony

Post 41

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)

whee... everyone look atsh the elephant.. shee it go by... Darling, I've losht my sheat...

A very Special Ceremony

Post 42

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)


A very Special Ceremony

Post 43


*Drags out the box containing the Sainting Sword*

Well, it's here, for whoever's up to using it .... I got some new batteries too smiley - smiley

A very Special Ceremony

Post 44

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)

whysh it need batteriesh?

A very Special Ceremony

Post 45

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

smiley - whistle

A very Special Ceremony

Post 46

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)

*sobering up a bit with worry*
No serioushly whys it need batteriesh? smiley - yikes

A very Special Ceremony

Post 47

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

I was wondering that too! I'm not scared honestsmiley - erm

A very Special Ceremony

Post 48


Well, the Mark 1 was gas operated, and it caused a few problems ...

*Looks round*
Oh! Hi there, Titania .... great decorations. Care for a smiley - stiffdrink before the ceremony?

A very Special Ceremony

Post 49

The One And Only Juno Thundercat (The Patron Saint of Ham Sandwiches)

Why's it need batteries? I'm scared now!

A very Special Ceremony

Post 50

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*bends down, props up the Keeper of Dreamers*

I don't know........what would St. P. say if he was here?

*places twig decoration in her hair*

Lovely decorations Titania!smiley - wow

A very Special Ceremony

Post 51

Titania (gone for lunch)

Well, how else would you expect it to sparkle and glow?

Here, have some smiley - bubbly - it'll dilute the effect of the smiley - pggb...smiley - smiley

A very Special Ceremony

Post 52

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)

Gulps smiley - bubbly aah! smiley - steam an usual concoction...
Thanksh Titania,
*looks curiously at twig*
aah, all better now... smiley - biggrin

A very Special Ceremony

Post 53

The One And Only Juno Thundercat (The Patron Saint of Ham Sandwiches)

Oh thats OK then

A very Special Ceremony

Post 54


*Opens the battery compartment of the sword and inserts two AA batteries. A deep voice calls ....*

"Please insert batteries the other way round! Thank you!"

Oops! Sorry!
*Corrects error, and hands the sword to Galaxy Babe.*

There! You've got the steadiest hand! Who's first?

A very Special Ceremony

Post 55

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

It's just for light effects, nothing to worry about dear.

We seem to be missing a Patronage for you, Juno!

Can you let us know on the Secret Heavenly Business thread on your personal space while I Saint the first victim? I meansmiley - erm oops...

*smiley - run to podium, clicking fingers and smiley - magic sword appears flashing smiley - rainbow lights all around the Autumnal decorated room*

A very Special Ceremony

Post 56

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

Just as long as it sparkles and glows and does nothing more. Are you sure it just sparkles? No secret functions?

A very Special Ceremony

Post 57

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)

oh dear...

A very Special Ceremony

Post 58

Doctor Geek (i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.)

clutches smiley - towel

A very Special Ceremony

Post 59


*Picks up sword, and inserts two AA batteries. A deep voice is heard in the distance ...*

"Put the batteries in the other way round!"

*Kes rectifies the error, and hands the sword to Galaxy Babe. Then he goes and brings St Nessaja to the dais.*

May I present ...... Nessaja .... smiley - smiley

A very Special Ceremony

Post 60

Titania (gone for lunch)

*flutters around trying to calm the Learner angels*

No need to worry, I brought my smiley - nurse kit just in case...

*realizes this isn't exactly the right thing to say*

Eh... I bet you just can't wait to get your wings and halo!smiley - flyhi

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