A Conversation for Newcomers 2h2g2 Posted 6th November 2000

Welcome Mat - Posted 6th Nov 2000

Post 1

Newcomers 2h2g2

Please allocate your self a heading before you start - That way others can see from your posting which is the next heading free. Less banging heads that way.

Aces end the subject heading with a single full stop.
and take headings by numbers ie 1,2,3,4 etc.

Angels and other groups end the subject heading with three full stops... and take the heading by letter ie a,b,c,d,e etc.

If you belong to both groups end you subject heading with two full stops.. and take your headings by number or letter. which ever group you wish to represent on that particular heading. Hopefully, this way will lead to less confusion.

That is not to say that nobody else can visit the newcomers; Aces - Angels or anybody else who wishes to visit the newcomers again are very welcome to do so and I am sure, will be appreciated by newbies.

vegimansmiley - smiley

Starting group A - for the GA's

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

me....smiley - smiley

Starting group A - for the GA's

Post 3


I am going to welcome numbers 8 & 9 on the express understanding that I am NOT going to bother with the dotty things.
I have no intention of competing with anyone.
When I welcome newcommers, I welcome because I feel that newcommers should be welcomed, and because I remeber how reassured and pleased I felt when someone took an interest in me and my page when I was new to H2G2.

I am NOT going to welcome anyone to take part in a competition, friendly or otherwise, between ACEs and GAs. I want everyone to know that the SOLE reason for me welcoming is because I enjoy welcoming, and I would welcome were I not an ACE.

The method I use to welcome each newcommer soley depends on what the newcomer has said on their page, and I refuse to welcome in a way dependant on what club I joined and badge I got.
If the ACE v GA scheme encourages welcomes, I welcome it, but at the end of the day we are welcoming People, and not numbers.

Rambling on about something,


Starting group 8 & 9 - for the Aces

Post 4

Titania (gone for lunch)

...if I've interpreted BB's grumblin correctly...smiley - smiley

Starting group 8 & 9 - for the Aces

Post 5


Yes, thanks. smiley - winkeye


Finished group A - for the GAs

Post 6

Titania (gone for lunch)

...and wishing you a good night!smiley - smiley

Taking group 1(a) for the ACEs and GAs...

Post 7

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Evening all smiley - smiley

Group 1(a) done...

Post 8

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

So going to bed...

Taking Group B for the GAs

Post 9


Starting Group B now ...

Group B done for the GAs

Post 10


Group B done.

Groups 1 & 2

Post 11


Greetings smiley - smiley

Doesn't look like any of my fellow ACEs have opted for groups 1 & 2 yet in this discussion, so I'll start there. smiley - smiley



smiley - fish

Groups 1 & 2

Post 12


er, make that Groups 2 & 3. Looks like I misunderstood someone's posting and got confused. smiley - bigeyes



smiley - fish

Groups 1 & 2

Post 13


OK, groups 2 & 3 are done.

A couple of strange Researchers in Group 3 ...

'St. Silly Willy' seems to have only joined H2G2 a little over a week ago, but is already a SubEditor and a GA. Wierd smiley - winkeye

'DD and FC' turned out to be Daemon Drawer and Fashion Cat combined into one Researcher. smiley - bigeyes Appearantly they have decided to get married, so my greeting message turning into a Congratulations message instead. smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley



smiley - fish

Late Activated Pages {b} taken for the GA's...

Post 14

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

And completed.
Has anyone thought of setting up seperate ~threads~ for the GA's & ACES?
Then nobody will be getting annoyed at the confusion.
ACE/GA's, like Tweetie, can simply post to both threads.
Taking LAP {a} for the GA's.

Late Activated Pages {a} taken for the GA's...

Post 15

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

and completed.
Taking group {c} for the GA's.

Group c completed for the GA's...

Post 16

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

Taking group {d}

Group d completed for the GA's...

Post 17

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

Taking {s}

Group {s} completed for the GA's...

Post 18

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

Taking Group {e}

Taking Group f for the GA's...

Post 19


Starting now ...

Completed Group f for the GA's...

Post 20



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