Newcomers 2h2g2 Posted 6th November 2000

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Here is a list of Newcomers to h2g2 who only recently started living, along with some newcomers who activated their pages late.

To help vist newcomers without covering the same area over and over - You will notice the list has been divided into headings of 10 newbies per heading. To choose the newcomers you wish to visit, please log into to forum bellow to see which headings are free. Place you choice of heading into the forum so others can see it has been allocated.

Please select your headings - starting from the top of the page and work down - This will make it easier to see which is the next heading that is free. Thank you

Happy Posting


U157219  anglowelsh
U157257  Dr. Amber
U157565  pryced
U157610  JosŽ's Friend
U157677  face1000
U157750  Kilgore
U157808  flyguy ( the airplane, not the zipper)
U157829  Researcher 157829
U157872  Lost in Cyberspace
U157919  Researcher 157919


U158054  Incarnadine
U158089  Zedite
U158091  Researcher 158091
U158113  Rowdytown
U158114  Donn Chadh
U158131  Tana

 1) Newcomers 1 to 10 (a)

U158152  Captain_clerk_birralee
U158153  piegirl
U158156  Researcher 158156
U158159  The Madcap Laughs
U158162  Researcher 158162
U158165  Rarcke
U158168  Nick the neutral
U158181  Researcher 158181
U158202  Researcher 158202
U158204  I_am_me

 2) Newcomers 11 to 20 (b)

U158207  Earth Mother
U158208  Zyzzx the Ultimate
U158210  Researcher 158210
U158211  Abbey
U158218  saint m.
U158219  Researcher 158219
U158225  Haze
U158229  Mike
U158232  Spoon37
U158235  simplificus

 3) Newcomers 21 to 30 (c)

U158236  Tyrone
U158248  Researcher 158248
U158251  Al
U158270  F. P. Vinsebeck
U158275  DD and FC
U158281  David.Hunnam
U158289  Ritvik
U158291  St. Silly Willy (PS of Silly Names) (Keeper of Green) (SubEditor)
U158300  Jackelope
U158302  Stretchy

 4) Newcomers 31 to 40 (d)

U158303  Researcher 158303
U158311  Ace Rimmer
U158316  Ketsar and Poxlu, the MewOne Twins
U158317  Tralfasz
U158320  Magoo
U158321  Researcher 158321
U158328  Andyscouse
U158330  Thomas Thedowter
U158332  dksph
U158334  haezoo

 5) Newcomers 41 to 50 (e)

U158337  holij
U158339  amd600
U158344  Seedyrom
U158351  Zaphod
U158367  Researcher 158367
U158369  Sgt. pepper
U158374  Sasler
U158376  Researcher Ela
U158378  Arny, number 158378
U158389  Fredrik

 6) Newcomers 51 to 60 (f)

U158390  Randolph Genk
U158395  Django Mango
U158396  Lupus
U158398  Researcher 158398
U158401  Researcher 158401
U158407  The Mighty Macrosin
U158412  Researcher 158412
U158417  fishko
U158425  trinityisstillmyname
U158431  manu

 7) Newcomers 61 to 70 (g)

U158434  Researcher 158434
U158440  Researcher 158440
U158446  Nitro15
U158449  Researcher 158449
U158455  matahairy
U158460  > egg {158460}
U158467  FABT
U158468  Researcher Pierce
U158473  Alexrandyer
U158475  Conan the Librarian

 8) Newcomers 71 to 80 (h)

U158476  Gypsy Grrl
U158479  Researcher 158479
U158483  TheQ042
U158484  Valien
U158485  Matt "158485" Lancey
U158487  Researcher 158487
U158493  Naughtius Maximus
U158498  Researcher 158498
U158503  Friar
U158509  Researcher 158509

 9) Newcomers 81 to 90 (i)

U158523  Dave
U158533  The Fridge
U158535  Bob (The Incessant Whistler)
U158540  Tismey
U158546  FreeJ
U158547  ash
U158551  Ford Prefect
U158570  Researcher 158570
U158582  Conquistador
U158589  Angemon

10) Newcomers 91 to 100 (j)

U158592  purplefrog
U158599  The real Tom Jones
U158612  Captain Prozac
U158621  SparkyB
U158623  Froody
U158626  Researcher 158626
U158627  nogginette (user of rocking horse brains)
U158638  Researcher 158638
U158642  Spoot
U158646  Hazel

11) Newcomers 101 to 110 (k)

U158660  Cooler King
U158663  Dent Arthur Dent
U158664  WhiteMouse
U158667  Nastrol Noof
U158670  nannynut
U158672  the lost one
U158677  Researcher 158677
U158678  MrMan
U158681  Researcher 158681 (a.ka. Opus)
U158694  FarmerBob

12) Newcomers 111 to 120 (l)

U158716  Existential Sam
U158725  Eccentrica
U158732  jonny lawless
U158740  Researcher 158740
U158745  Ford Prefect
U158753  AquaMarina the Mermaid {Keeper of the Undersea Kingdom}
U158760  Researcher 158760
U158771  Conspyre
U158778  Wowbagger
U158780  Plane Person

13) Newcomers 121 to 130 (m)

U158788  Azi
U158809  Researcher 158809
U158810  Researcher 158810
U158811  shoe
U158812  Viga
U158817  Tuarinn Chaplin
U158818  Researcher 158818
U158829  Feffi (or how do you spell that name?)
U158849  Researcher 158849

14) Newcomers 131 to 140 (n)

U158852  Researcher Ted
U158853  Freddy Iznot
U158858  Evil Kniefel
U158860  Researcher 158860
U158861  Researcher 158861
U158864  Little Blue
U158875  Researcher 158875
U158903  Doctor Dude
U158908  Researcher 158908
U158909  Billy the Kid

15) Newcomers 141 to 150 (o)

U158914  D'Artagnan
U158919  Txiqui
U158924  Terminus
U158926  PacifistWarrior
U158935  Bong Eye Cherry
U158937  Hawkeye
U158942  Yep
U158949  Edge
U158950  Zulu minus-five
U158958  The Pink Dandelion

16) Newcomers 151 to 160 (p)

U158968  Researcher 158968
U158987  Researcher 158987
U158995  Lotus Binaround
U159014  Edner Zed
U159020  Researcher 159020
U159021  159021 a.k.a. AdmrBoltz
U159024  JagerGuy
U159036  rumblefish
U159046  Researcher 159046
U159053  Zeek the Prophetic

17) Newcomers 161 to 170 (q)

U159056  gamen1324
U159059  stickyworm
U159062  DesMartyrs
U159066  Researcher 159066
U159068  Jizz
U159081  Travitherabbi
U159084  olhor
U159088  Phyzix
U159091  Agrajag
U159092  Researcher 159092

18) Newcomers 171 to 180 (r)

U159095  Class Ferret
U159098  Lady Amalthea
U159101  DrkstDays
U159106  MarkTheMeS
U159110  Researcher 159110
U159112  Killer Queen
U159121  Andy in Bath
U159123  Cloyster the stupid
U159126  lucci
U159128  MSR

19) Newcomers 181 to 187 (s)

U159134  Eralc Niwdlab
U159140  MC
U159143  Straydog
U159161  Man from the Wight
U159165  Shaelak
U159172  Lord of the Morning, Prince of the Dawn
U159189  stevej

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