A Conversation for Utopia Cafebar

global warming links

Post 121


Hello folks! Been a bit out of circulation ... well, no more! I will be talking a bit more fervently over here in the future, I hope! Happy, I will look at those links and be delighted to discuss!

global warming links

Post 122


nice to have ya back pillow smiley - smiley
I had you in mind with the bean link.

global warming links

Post 123

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i just havent got time to read them, and as a rule, i avoid anything about global warming. it just depresses me much too much. (for three months last time smiley - sadface)

global warming links

Post 124


go for the first one of the first batch, its not depressing smiley - smiley

global warming links

Post 125

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Hello... nice place.

Even though I'm a dystopian type of girl. smiley - biggrin

global warming links

Post 126


it will grow on you smiley - smiley

global warming links

Post 127


Okay, I looked at the first link, the one of the beans that will enrich the soil when grown together with maize. That sounds cool - the first step towards a more ecologically-oriented, sustainable kind of agriculture. The beans fix nitrogen from the air and add it to the soil where it can be used by the maize. Any step away from monocultures is a positive one I.M.H.O.

Also read the capital punishment piece, but not in such great detail. I am very against it, because it leaves people no second chances, and one innocent person killed is one too much - it is even worse when it is done with the backing of the law.

global warming links

Post 128

Uncle Heavy [sic]

In that case ill have a look.

talking about the links

Post 129


I am against capitol punishment myself for very similar reasons. However, if a nation chooses to use Judicial Murder at a part of its criminal-justice-penal system then it should be under a duty to ensure that it is used in a fair & just manner. What this article demonstrates is that in parts of the USA this is not true & in some States its use qualifies it more as a tool of social control than a well thought out part of a justice system. ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/audiovideo/programmes/correspondent/newsid_1168000/1168496.stm )

The beans are also very good at soaking up carbon from the atmosphere. ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/audiovideo/programmes/correspondent/newsid_1363000/1363320.stm )

talking about the links

Post 130


Greetings one and all...

Big news this week is the G8 environmental meeting in Bonn. Expect all the usual trimmings of a global corporate / government gathering - including YA Basta! and the protesters. Whether an agreement is reached - what form that agreement takes - what Japan is going to do, and whether the EU will ratify Kyoto without the US are all going to be interesting questions to watch.

For more info, try


"Only the professional optimists are predicting complete success for this week's resumed climate talks, which get under way on Monday in the German city of Bonn.

The realists speak of wide differences still to be overcome, but hope to salvage something.

The pessimists expect the end of the Kyoto Protocol, the global climate treaty, and a descent into environmental anarchy. "

smiley - smileysmiley - erm or smiley - sadface

We shall see...


talking about the links

Post 131


Jeez, this global climate business is just horrifying. Do we need treaties, or do we need to educate everybody in the whole world about climate and energy and consumption and so on? Do we need to start using nuclear fission, or do we need to work on developing nuclear fusion as a viable alternative?

talking about the links

Post 132


yes to all of the above

talking about the links

Post 133


As broad-minded as ever, eh Happy?

So we need:

1) More treaties
2) More education
3) Nuclear fission
4) Nuclear fusion

Anything else?

talking about the links

Post 134

Uncle Heavy [sic]

free access to cyanide pills after we fail.

talking about the links

Post 135


Peace, Love & Understanding smiley - smiley

talking about the links

Post 136


And definitely lots more big and beautiful trees!

UH I actually support your stance on the cyanide pills, in a way... a bit negative, mind you, but I do in principle support euthanasia for extreme cases.

talking about the links

Post 137

Uncle Heavy [sic]

this is more in the vein of the ultimate placebo, for when everything goes wrong.

talking about the links

Post 138


smiley - tea anybody?

smiley - smiley

did anyone see John Pilgers report about the rulers of the world and indonesia? Damn good, i shall attempt an entry based on it tomorrow.

Its the continuing saga of capitalism for the poor, socialism for the rich, with Indonesia as a perfect example of economic integration into the global economy. And George Mobiot pointing out that the coalitions of protesters have managed to block some appaling ideas like the MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investment, to 'open' the financial services economies and harmonise investment rules, including giving corporations the right to sue governments for passing laws they didn't like). The MAI sucked, and was stopped. What's next?

Pessimism is not an option. I am a part of those demanding CHANGE! and fairly traded smiley - tea

so there. smiley - tongueout


talking about the links

Post 139


well said & two sugers please

talking about the links

Post 140


smiley - teasmiley - tea

how are you sugar-babes?

Nice outfit.

smiley - hug

didjya see the Pilger? On form as ever.

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