A Conversation for Jonny Lee and Rice Miller – A simple guide to your Sonny Boy Williamsons

Peer Review: A4542950 - Jonny Lee and Rice Miller – A simple guide to your Sonny Boy Williamsons

Post 1

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

Entry: Jonny Lee and Rice Miller – A simple guide to your Sonny Boy Williamsons - A4542950
Author: The_Jon_m - SQRT (7!+1) - (5^2+4) = 42, scout (??!), Still number 1 still top of the pops - U204330

cause you really need to know this ... ! *shrugs*

A4542950 - Jonny Lee and Rice Miller – A simple guide to your Sonny Boy Williamsons

Post 2

McKay The Disorganised

smiley - ok

Few typos - Robert Johnson for example practiced HARD not had, and there's an Aswell which should be an as well, but I like it smiley - cheers

Perhaps you should put in a bit more about the death of Sonny (1) wasn't he knifed by a mistake or something ? However he died just to say 'he was murdered' is a little too abrupt.

smiley - cider

A4542950 - Jonny Lee and Rice Miller – A simple guide to your Sonny Boy Williamsons

Post 3

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

added a bit more

A4542950 - Jonny Lee and Rice Miller – A simple guide to your Sonny Boy Williamsons

Post 4

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

smiley - boing

A4542950 - Jonny Lee and Rice Miller – A simple guide to your Sonny Boy Williamsons

Post 5

Trin Tragula

I liked this a lot smiley - ok (as a blues bluffer who has wandered into exactly the trap you describe at the end myself smiley - winkeye)

Here's some typos and so on I spotted: don't mean to be too intrusive, but I got really interested smiley - biggrin

>>This has lead<< - led
>>grave stones<< - gravestones (just the one word)
>>a aura<< - an aura
>>the public and music journalism<< - found this a bit confusing: 'both the public and music journalists' perhaps?
>>reappeared on the Chicago Blues scene<< - give a date at this point?
>>He partnered up with Yank Rachell and after moving to Chicago in 1934 played numerous gigs as a duo both in The North and back down South<< - needs a 'they' before 'played'
>>When touring<< - While touring
>>they met with Robert Lee McCoy and Walter Davis, who helped him get signed<< - as with the 'duo' bit above, there's a switch from a 'they' to a 'him' which is a bit awkward here
>>fun loving<< - fun-loving
>>post war<< - post-war
>>of a great<< - a great what? I know what you mean here, but would 'one of its greats' be better?
>>Given that glancing at two different books can give a gap of ten years in his date of birth shows the level of myth...<< - this sentence needs a bit of polishing: clear what you mean but the subject of the sentence shifts around
>>the younger Sonny Boy<< - put this in quotation marks?
>>illegitimately born Aleck Ford<< - born illegitimate as ...
>>step fathers<< - stepfather's
>>know<< - known
>>by 5<< - by the age of five
>>house rent parties<< - What are these? smiley - smiley
>>regular sports<< - spots
>>this face<< - his face
>>Many Bluesmen are accomplished liars<< - when it comes to their own pasts, I take it? smiley - winkeye Might make this sentence a bit clearer
>>half decent<< - half-decent
>>pull it off, Miller did<< - a 'but' before 'Miller'
>>and he was loved by audiences there<< - no need for a 'he' here
>>causal<< - casual
>>staying in Britain when the tour was over and recorded and toured<< - if 'staying' then 'recording' and 'touring'
>>return<< - returning
>>put pay<< - put paid (I think - it's late!)
>>almost any other musician<< - musicians (? - or do you intend this?)
>>better know<< - better-known
>>quicker<< - more quickly
>>on his own name<< - under his own name
>>but this way, its one more story about the larger than life man<< - 'it's' and 'larger-than-life': this might need to be a separate sentence
>>can people’s opinions of you<< - something missing here
>>proved, you bluff<< - 'if' before the 'you'

Hope that helps smiley - smiley

A4542950 - Jonny Lee and Rice Miller – A simple guide to your Sonny Boy Williamsons

Post 6

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Seems ok to me (I don't do typos and grammar 'cos I'm useless at spotting them). Though I might have been tempted to mention that the irony of Williamson (I) death was that it had been he who had argued with Johnson about the wisdom of drinking from an open bottle of whisky on the night that Johnson was poisoned.

Also, I doubt ZZ Top 'bought' Johnsons grave stone. I have a feeling what they did was give a substantial amount of money to the Mount Zion Baptist Church to pay for upkeep, as the church was having difficulty cleaning up after the ignoramuses who went there to see the grave left an increasingly large collection of waste behind them.

smiley - shark

A4542950 - Jonny Lee and Rice Miller – A simple guide to your Sonny Boy Williamsons

Post 7

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Little Zion, even...smiley - blush

But I can't find a story to support either contention.

smiley - shark

A4542950 - Jonny Lee and Rice Miller – A simple guide to your Sonny Boy Williamsons

Post 8

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

added corrections

A4542950 - Jonny Lee and Rice Miller – A simple guide to your Sonny Boy Williamsons

Post 9

Trin Tragula

Looking good! smiley - ok (And it's such a great story too - really enjoyed this smiley - smiley)

A4542950 - Jonny Lee and Rice Miller – A simple guide to your Sonny Boy Williamsons

Post 10

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

smiley - boing

A4542950 - Jonny Lee and Rice Miller – A simple guide to your Sonny Boy Williamsons

Post 11

McKay The Disorganised

Looks complete to me smiley - ok

smiley - cider

A4542950 - Jonny Lee and Rice Miller – A simple guide to your Sonny Boy Williamsons

Post 12

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

"can raise people’s opinions of you on the blues bluffing stakes"
'in the blues bluffing stakes'

A4542950 - Jonny Lee and Rice Miller – A simple guide to your Sonny Boy Williamsons

Post 13

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

dotted my i


A4542950 - Jonny Lee and Rice Miller – A simple guide to your Sonny Boy Williamsons

Post 14

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Is that what you kids are calling it these days? Just make sure you keep the curtains drawn when you do that sort of thing smiley - winkeye

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Post 15

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Post 16

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish


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Post 17


smiley - bubbly

smiley - panda

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 18

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Well done smiley - cheers

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