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The meaning of life

Post 2061

Researcher 185550

UCAS is the form they send off to universities. It lets them know your results, your teachers tell them a bit about you and show you in the best possible light, and you yourself write about how you've always wanted to study (insert subject here) since you were *this* high and you not only enjoy it you are good at it and this is shown by your work experience incidentally is alleged that I am the god of all parties and can heal the sick with my touch.

It also gives stats like nationality, gender, DOB, etc. The U6th spend weeks on it because it's important to get it right.

Work experience is a must, but I believe you wish to apply for philosophy? I run my school's philosophy society, which is the equivalent, and I've just written something about Classical Theism for hootoo. Perhaps also you could be a philosopher's assistant for a while, and doing f*ckloads of reading also helps.

The meaning of life

Post 2062


Philosophy, yeah, naturally. But I wasted my work experience in a music retail shop. How exactly does one become a philosopher's assistant? There are few professional philosophers hanging around any more and there can't be much you can do to help 'em. Joining a debating group is probably a good idea, though, cheers.

The meaning of life

Post 2063

Researcher 185550

You run around after them, make phone calls and answer letters. Not fanmail, largely academic stuff. I shadowed a dude at the University Library.

Debating rocks, as does the philosophy society. Are you studying philosophy at the moment? Do you know of a man called Dr. Julian Baggini? Because we got him to speak for us, at some point in the distant future.

The meaning of life

Post 2064


Yeah, doing AS Phil. Sorry, I haven't heard of him, but I'll google. What's he so famous for?
Actually, instead of "Shadowed dude at University Library" on my UCAS, I could put "Spent extraordinary amounts of time on philosophy threads on Hootoo".
What course are you trying to join?

The meaning of life

Post 2065

Noggin the Nog

Yeah, I can just see it on the form, Mal. "I studied philosophy under Noggin the Nog."

"Yes, yes. Of course you did. Nurse, the straightjacket, if you would."


The meaning of life

Post 2066

Researcher 185550

You could mention hootoo, only in passing though.

Baggini has written textbooks. Two very good ones: one about key themes, which covers epistemology, religion, and the mind. The other about key authors, books that explore those themes. You know, Meditations, Existentialism + Humanism, EHU.

You're doing AQA right?

I want to do course RV15, French and Philosophy, at KCL if possible.

The meaning of life

Post 2067


Noggin - smiley - biggrin "and I learnt my basic debating etiquette from an insane and bitter Weston-Super-Mare street preacher" smiley - smiley

Roadkill - Are you being serious about mentioning Hootoo?
Googling him now. Yeah, I *think* I'm doing AQA. Which I like, because half my GCSEs were AQA, too, and I got pretty decent marks for a complete lack of effort smiley - smiley

The meaning of life

Post 2068

Researcher 185550

Don't actually call it hootoo. Say that you participate regularly in BBC- based online debate of a philosophical nature, and then start talking about what exactly a nature is.

I had a good go at the ontological argument the day before my exam and, praise be! It came up.

The meaning of life

Post 2069


How much more difficult than the average GCSE are A2 and AS level exams?
But will saying that actually stand me in good stead, d'ya reckon?

The meaning of life

Post 2070

Researcher 185550

Just to show how interested you are in your subject.

AS is harder than GCSE, especially if it's a new subject, that you've not been examined in before. Biology at GCSE was child's play compared with AS. Those are two examples; what else are you studying?

A2, I hear, is an absolute b1tch. Really sorts the sheep from the goats.

The meaning of life

Post 2071


History, Politics, Philosophy, English Lit. So most of the things I did for GCSE, except Philosopy and Politics, and Philosophy I've done extensive background work for. (I was philosophy student of the week a while ago!)
How much longer have you got until your A2s?

The meaning of life

Post 2072

Researcher 185550

Summer. I think they happen slightly earlier than AS's.

Which History? Early or late modern? Please don't say early....

The meaning of life

Post 2073


If all humans did learn from their prevoius mistakes then it rules out the theory of reincarnation. The fact that we are still fighting with each other over the same reasons as we were fighting 1500 years ago means that we have been unable to learn from our history.

As for all of the other life on the planet they lead the contented life of a species that will continue past their generation.

I'm new to h2g2 and as such people don't listen to what I have to say for the most part. But if it likely to generate discussion and arguments then I am willing to give any topic my two cents.

The meaning of life

Post 2074

AK - fancy that!

Hey, Mal! Roadkill, others... F9157?thread=197770&post=4392319#p4392319 !
Two cents eh? THere's a smileysmiley - 2cents!

Ah very true we can't possibly have reincarnated because we're still fighting. But think about it: If evolutino has been slowed by civilization, then the only way to rule out the weaker and leave the stronger is, well, by killing them!

Peopel don't listen? How rude of them? *whacks them with a yardstick*

The meaning of life

Post 2075

Researcher 185550

*Also whacks with a big stick*

I don't know.... there's the conditional in there. The "if people learn from history". That implies there's some kind of choice- you don't /have/ to learn from your mistakes (but it might be a good idea). I think the idea is not that you are forced to learn from your mistakes and passively become a better person, but more that you choose to be so. Pride, I feel, will get in the way. And once acquired it's very difficult to let go of.

The meaning of life

Post 2076


Just because we can learn, doesn't rule out reincarnation.
In fact, it's rather the POINT of reincarnation.
Ya make mistakes, ya get reborn, you do succesively better each time until you reach Nirvana.

The meaning of life

Post 2077

AK - fancy that!

Yet how many peopel do you know have the intelligience of another life?

The meaning of life

Post 2078


By JESU my personal page has grown! It's more than a page long, including Journal Entries. For something interesting, check it out.
I've always thought that if there was any order to it, then you'd start out as a human first and then work your way back up. This is because we have the greatest chances to make mistakes, and learn.
And I'd say that most people I know are intelligent, underneath the pack heirarchy and repressive society.

The meaning of life

Post 2079

AK - fancy that!

Your space is longer... not very colorfulsmiley - winkeye

I was talking about smart people who already had a life's worth of knowledge before and were jsut building on that...
Oh come on where are you going to go after human? Most other creatures don't demonstrate a lifetime of knowledge either. And its not like you can learn well being a shrubbery!smiley - ok

The meaning of life

Post 2080

AK - fancy that!

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