A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15301



Is there a link whereby I can listen to Radio 4 programmes via internet? One of the things I miss about living in Bristol. That and being able to buy sour cream! smiley - biggrin Oh yes, and wonderful Sainsbury's smoked mackerel. Ah well, can't have everything, so they say . . . (though I have never understood why not! smiley - cross )

smiley - smiley


I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15302

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Alji. I do listen to ISIHAC, but I can do without 'Just a minute'. My fave was 'People like us'; absolutely hilarious!


I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15303

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Alji. Sorry to jump in, but impossible to resist. az: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/progs/listenagain.shtml


I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15304

Oetzi Oetztaler....Anti Apartheid

I do not want to get too personal. But I will.
Baby wipes are a must.
Keeping the limb/joint rigid is a must.
Alcohol is a definite NO.
If you have a mobile 'phone keep it with you and charged always.
Use a flannel....infection is the "biggie".
There are several designs of crutch.
The UK NHS type did not suit me....investigate.
Beware of social encounters. Use the free clutch to deflect "jay walkers".
If you must go out at night then decal the cast with reflective tape.
Use the same tape to decal the exposed inner edge of vehicle doors which are open for extended periods as you enter and exit the vehicle.

Hope this helps....but infection is THE biggie.

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15305



Thanks for the link, I have added it to my Favourites. Now I need a bit of help to remember which programmes are the best to listen to (hey, it's been 11 years!).

Alji recently turned me onto radio Wales, which has some very good programmes as well that I can listen to here on weekend mornings.

smiley - smiley


I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15306

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

OO. I'm back at home. No fear of infection. There's just me. I've been to my regular local already on Thursday evening. The 'cast' is made out of fibreglass with a hinged knee joint. It isn't intended to be kept rigid. You seem to be making an awful lot of assumptions.


I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15307

Oetzi Oetztaler....Anti Apartheid

Safety first Toxx that's all mate.
Just precautions. Try to avoid assumptions, not keen on 'em.

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15308


Well, god help the person who innocently happens onto this thread thinking that the people here are actually discussing God! smiley - biggrin


gardening tips, anyone?

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15309

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

az, it has often been said that we can't be expected not to deviate after this number of posts. I would be delighted if someone would post a theological conundrum that we haven't already dealt with. In the meantime, we're a self-selected group who find mutual conversation congenial. This hasn't always come easily smiley - winkeye but now I think we're entitled to chat.

If I could think of a theological question, I'd post it. I don't think there's much we haven't covered, which is why it's so good to have Roadie and Mal on board since they might well bring a new angle to the discussion. Apols if I've missed any other sources of fresh, new debate.


I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15310

Noggin the Nog

Yes. Don't.

Were we talking about god then?


...and Pigs might fly...

Post 15311

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Heathen Sceptic smiley - biggrin

It's landing they are not good at ."
"that's only lack of practice."

They generally only get one go at it, after all hitting the runway at 200 knots doesn't really give them a lot of chance for error. And after half a dozen have had a go the tarmac gets pretty greasy.

Matholwch /|\.

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15312


Well, strangely enough - or perhaps not strangely at all - I end up talking about God all the time with my students. Or at least about the Catholic religion. Most of my students are adult professional types and even though some of them still go through the occasional and various rituals, I meet very few people here who consider themselves to be true Catholics. In fact, I have met quite a few atheists, but mostly people tend to be neither here nor there. They accept and even partake in the many different religious processions and other religious activities and ceremonies. But they don't consider themselves to be true believers. So I think for many people here who still call themselves Catholic, it is more a social thing and not truly a personal religious belief.

However, there is a very powerful right-wing Catholic organization that was founded in Spain called the Opus Dei. Has anyone else heard of them? Again, most Spanish people I know here think they are kind of nuts, but in fact they are extremely powerful and are quite international by now. And they are very influential here, I think mostly because they are extremely rich. They are considered to be quite fascist - certainly their rules and laws are very rigid. Anyhow, just wondering if anyone has had any personal contact with Opus Dei.


I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15313

Oetzi Oetztaler....Anti Apartheid

I suppose I call myself Catholic but I find the whole subject very emotive. I do not know anywhere in central or south Europe that is not Catholic. If a nun or Catholic priest asked me to do a legal act I would do it. On the other hand if they were law breakers I would be the first to "shop 'em".

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15314

Noggin the Nog

Isn't Opus Dei the modern version of the Inquisition?

Anybody who feels *that* sort of need to assert their authority is to be avoided at all costs.


I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15315

Oetzi Oetztaler....Anti Apartheid

Means "the eye of god" does it not? I think we may have a touch of the old freemasonry here folks.

Bit like G Orwell's 1984. Personally az I wold keep stumm for pragmatic reasons.

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15316


goto bbc home page and click on radioplayer (i think) it's easy enough to do >one of my friends used to say that "well you can't have everything ,where would you put it (and i'd think well if you had Everything then the space to put it would be includedsmiley - biggrin

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15317


Here's a bit more info on Opus Dei. A web-site that seems to show both sides quite fairly. The name means work of God, or God's work. The founder was made a saint (!!!) not too long ago. Apparently they are quite powerful withint the Vatican.



I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15318


hi pdante,


smiley - biggrin That definitely makes sense - at least to me.


I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15319

Oetzi Oetztaler....Anti Apartheid

There is something not right there. That site spells evil to me.

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 15320


Dictionary entry on Opus Dei:


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