A Conversation for Newcomers 2h2g2 Posted 3rd October 2000

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 21


Claiming #18 and #19

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 22

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Which leaves me with one final question and then I promise I'll understand. Would it not be better to post which numbers you are *going* to do, rather than after you've done it?

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 23

Will Jenkins (Dead)

in that case section #20 is mine.

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 24

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Explain to me why everyone on list 20 had already been done?

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 25


If you read more closely you'll see the bit about claiming a number /letter first, and if you read through the previous posts you'll see where I put:'#22 and #23 done claiming #20 and #21' So choose one that hasn't been claimed why not take #17 and I'll take a break and get something to eat. #18 and #19 done. Back later.

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 26

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*double takes at Will*
Blimey, here was me thinking I was the only ACE/Angel...
Must've been looking at something other that your title smiley - winkeye
Ok, I follow the androyd method and go from top to bottom (smiley - winkeye), so I'll be claiming 17(q) as my very own smiley - smiley

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 27

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Well if someone wouldent mind telling me where we are I will take the next therty.

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 28


I'm back and I just know Will will still be confused. #17 has gone now Will and so has #15 and #16. Anything between 4 - 14 is free Will. Freewill - blimey this is surreal. Where are we? I don't know about you but I'm in London smiley - winkeye

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 29

Will Jenkins (Dead)

I'm just going to pretend none of this exists and by the way I think all of this is far to complicated and its not that I'm stupid (at least my predicted GCSEs would suggest I'm not) and don't expect me to start using punctuation either I'm going to resign from life if that's actually possible

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 30

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Don't resign from life- I'd miss you smiley - smiley
17's done. 14 is mine smiley - smiley

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 31

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Oh well I will take 4and5 then.

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 32

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Stick a fork in #14, it's done...
And number 13 is in for a roasting too...

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 33


St Bob of course means he is taking (d) and (e) because he is a Guardian Angel and not an Ace...oh dear Veg and Peta I think this is too complicated for them...;-(

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 34

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

smiley - tongueout
We're not dumb (remember, some of us are some of you...), but personally, I don't see the point...
I do see the point in saying that I'm finished with 13, and will be taking on 12, before finally collapsing in exhaustion...

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 35

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Right, done with 12... 4 lists in 1 hour. Not bad, huh?
Right, off to take care of that whole collapsing thing...

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 36

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

I am not dumb I am just to tierd I had erm a buisy weekend smiley - smiley

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 37

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*wondering if she has the heart to start any*

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 38

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Help me, I'm more confused than ever now. Do I use letters or numbers? Why don't you set up the page like the h2g2-noticeboard. This would mean that when someone had done a group they could remove them from the list. Or something.

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 39

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I think it's been decided that newcomers should be greeted by an Angel & an ACE, as we give out different links.
You being both, Will, need only visit, then the jobs done. You should be typing 2 dots after your greeting.
I think vegimansmiley - smiley's doing a great job, those pages are very time-consuming to set up, with the links & all, to each page.
Our work is pretty easy, click, read page, type greeting, paste set greeting & return.
But painful on the wrist after a while...smiley - winkeye
Now, where were we?
Hard w*rk is good therapy...smiley - smiley

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 40

Will Jenkins (Dead)

I'm probably beginning to catch on (it'll never happen). What links are we supposed to be posting. I usually link to the ACEs homepage and the Angel's homepage and Bruce's GuideML page.

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