Newcomers 2h2g2 Posted 3rd October 2000

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Here is a list of Newcomers to h2g2 who only recently started living, along with some newcomers who activated their pages late.

To help vist newcomers without covering the same area over and over - You will notice the list has been divided into headings of 10 newbies per heading. To choose the newcomers you wish to visit, please log into to forum bellow to see which headings are free. Place you choice of heading into the forum so others can see it has been allocated.

Thank You and Happy Posting


U152775  Researcher 152775
U152776  Datus
U152794  wireman: His Royal Ugliness
U152868  Teeky
U152934  Slider142
U153006  Researcher 153006
U153055  Christy Woodman
U153094  The Other 1
U153149  lunafarie
U153156  Mellow Yellow Cello


U153342  Hagi, Muse of Free Kicks and the Naming of Non-Human Objects
U153368  Caroo
U153384  Researcher 51183
U153421  Joe Mac
U153510  Mikro
U153551  Totem Monkey
U153558  Grubby
U153562  Berniceattimes
U153641  Kipper_308
U153661  Researcher 153661


U153677  Chilled Guy
U153679  Wingman2000
U153720  Mouse
U153732  J. Nigel Aalst
U153737  The Amazing Rondo
U153750  Asterion
U153757  Jack O' All Trades
U153759  Imperative
U153761  Zarquon the Great Prophet
U153783  Mystchavos
U153784  Researcher 153784
U153809  Researcher 153809

 1) Newcomers 1 to 10 (a)

U153821  The Ha Ho Man
U153828  Researcher 153828
U153834  Jonah Lagrange
U153837  Mr. Beekerson
U153842  Mawoo
U153847  Geoff B
U153857  Aunt B 93
U153864  Worthless
U153866  Researcher 153866
U153867  She who is not to be Ignored

 2) Newcomers 11 to 20 (b)

U153871  Fah Uhl
U153874  Robin
U153881  Researcher 153881
U153882  Will
U153887  tacky-tourist
U153891  NYC War Room
U153894  Hapu Kapsas
U153897  Phredd
U153911  HugBug
U153913  Researcher 153913

 3) Newcomers 21 to 30 (c)

U153916  Twinkle (Join Pokémon League at A285905!)
U153926  Alan of Oyster Bay
U153942  Bit Twiddler
U153944  Researcher 153944
U153950  MrBruno
U153958  Snoopen
U153966  allanh1
U153980  BLuE
U153981  Researcher 153981
U153983  Jai the TechnoHooker

 4) Newcomers 31 to 40 (d)

U153994  mats the sofa member
U153996  Researcher 153996
U154001  Researcher 154001
U154004  Jim, Lord of Fishnets
U154013  Alatriste
U154023  sirenaloco
U154029  Bubba Kerplunk
U154032  percy b
U154033  dolphins?
U154044  Researcher 154044

 5) Newcomers 41 to 50 (e)

U154048  rjMcQuality
U154050  Researcher 154050
U154055  bethinabirch
U154056  DaKarr
U154057  Solsun
U154059  Pimonkey
U154065  Researcher 154065
U154068  Night Siren
U154072  Relicana
U154073  Superman

 6) Newcomers 51 to 60 (f)

U154074  MrNiceGuy
U154077  KWDave
U154085  bollwyvl
U154089  Tragic Jester
U154100  Troman
U154102  Diavo
U154108  Magnolia Thunderpussy, Geisha of the Web
U154110  Researcher 154110
U154115  elymus
U154124  Gersh the Great

 7) Newcomers 61 to 70 (g)

U154126  Revelation
U154140  cathurynn
U154145  Jim93
U154146  Troimille
U154155  Researcher 154155
U154161  Researcher 154161
U154168  dNil
U154177  Publius
U154180  Marcus Halberstam
U154186  Spacebabe

 8) Newcomers 71 to 80 (h)

U154190  Dano-San
U154191  fitz
U154195  bkhl
U154196  IzzyGoodenough
U154207  Bluetoes
U154209  Princess of Suburban Middle America and Neutrogena Body Oil Devotee
U154214  Myrmicat
U154216  Scout Abaris (resident Dedalus; no longer Undercover)
U154220  angel mary jane
U154222  Muppet

 9) Newcomers 81 to 90 (i)

U154230  MrEgor
U154232  Researcher 154232
U154237  Fursky
U154250  Country Doc
U154263  man thing
U154264  100 Watt Warlock
U154270  J A Number
U154277  LazyBoy
U154281  Researcher 154281
U154283  Researcher 154283

10) Newcomers 91 to 100 (j)

U154291  psicorps
U154313  Lardycakeboy
U154317  sephod
U154322  Katie
U154336  The Spice Islander
U154339  Researcher 154339
U154347  Rooktoven
U154349  Gottkaiser
U154360  Jace625
U154376  iTrender1

11) Newcomers 101 to 110 (k)

U154380  Volk
U154385  Cheese Devil
U154394  SpaceHog
U154398  ibchristine...a dangerous
U154408  Wolf
U154414  foucault
U154416  LatentHangover
U154419  WaCKo
U154433  Mog
U154434  Starman

12) Newcomers 111 to 120 (l)

U154435  Malkier
U154437  Researcher 154437
U154441  Researcher 154441
U154450  Henson W. Proudmonkey
U154451  Shapeshifter42
U154456  Researcher 154456
U154458  Researcher 154458
U154460  Stacy Clark
U154462  Naughtiness (Tentacle Mistress, Goddess of Sadistic Soup Greens)
U154465  Researcher 154465

13) Newcomers 121 to 130 (m)

U154471  Researcher 154471
U154475  Myqrowave
U154478  Steve The Lad
U154485  Apocalypso
U154486  WeirdHat22
U154492  wawdh?
U154502  Dr. Jest
U154515  Ingo Hohmann
U154516  RedBeardJack
U154518  Researcher 154518

14) Newcomers 131 to 140 (n)

U154550  loki
U154567  nithan
U154570  Popple
U154573  Entropic Reactionist
U154576  Researcher 154576
U154577  Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster
U154586  Selrahc
U154587  Mr. Odie, Man's Best Friend
U154590  AR106
U154593  Woody

15) Newcomers 141 to 150 (o)

U154596  meaigs
U154597  Mr Tea
U154598  TMac
U154607  Jake the Snake
U154611  phw (Keeper of the Absurd and Bizarre)
U154624  Terry the Lion
U154640  The Chuck
U154645  SteelRose
U154648  Non Juan
U154650  ed

16) Newcomers 151 to 160 (p)

U154652  Jim Plates (who is not Mr Tumnus)
U154653  Kenrick
U154666  Gabs
U154669  Researcher 154669
U154674  TheSavior14
U154679  Chillblaine
U154684  ruthums
U154694  (hed)
U154696  Suzi!
U154700  Researcher 154700

17) Newcomers 161 to 170 (q)

U154704  Achmed the Brown
U154710  SaraNayde
U154714  techinfo
U154722  The Snark
U154737  Eldrich
U154739  Jay
U154754  Researcher 154754
U154760  Zev
U154762  Rincewind
U154763  Ford

18) Newcomers 171 to 180 (r)

U154774  Galtzilla
U154780  Freggel
U154784  Researcher 154784
U154785  NickNatioN
U154792  Chazlet56
U154801  Fiona in Ham
U154810  Aier, Minister of Silly Walks, SWoON
U154813  Researcher 154813
U154828  daffy deutsch
U154852  Redbeard

19) Newcomers 181 to 190 (s)

U154879  Finn
U154880  Ihilani the Befuddled
U154881  whambamboo
U154901  Researcher 154901
U154911  Nimatek
U154915  Super Stupid Pencil Man
U154916  Calamity Schrodinger
U154920  YankaWanka
U154921  trips or Zaphod
U154933  Mudhenn

20) Newcomers 191 to 200 (t)

U154941  Slartibartfast
U154942  Trillian's Child
U154946  GPP Robot No 12853
U154959  William H. Gates XLII, the universe's most evil asthmatic, a.k.a. "Vlad the Inhaler" (Evil Peet)
U154967  Alpine Fresh
U154968  Researcher 154968
U154969  Jaladhi-Germ/Itali
U154970  Elvis (the King) Mirani:Drinker of Chai, Abuser of Caffiene(in whatever form), Chaser of Chicks and Lover of Bombay (Mumbai now)
U154971  Thrower
U154977  Tsunami

21) Newcomers 201 to 210 (u)

U154987  double0negitive
U154988  Researcher 154988
U155005  tiny cow
U155017  IonFactoryArchitect
U155024  fabbers
U155026  ed
U155027  Dan
U155029  EmAlie
U155031  Jon
U155033  Got Towel Will Travel

22) Newcomers 211 to 220 (v)

U155058  broelan
U155067  Archie
U155071  Jazer
U155073  Frogstar B
U155080  Marlowe
U155107  Researcher 155107
U155111  Researcher 155111
U155112  Fuzzy|Logic
U155113  Researcher 155113
U155131  Seeker

23) Newcomers 221 to 227 (w)

U155139  graciejebediah
U155141  Researcher 155141
U155142  Isis
U155152  The Chaos Kid Gareth Hughes
U155168  Sunbeam
U155169  Trim Boy Slim
U155174  Pokerizer

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