A Conversation for Newcomers 2h2g2 Posted 3rd October 2000

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 1

Newcomers 2h2g2

Hi every one !!!

This week is slightly different we are to have a game where the Aces v Angels can check out who has been missed and see which group finishes first.

The Aces take the Headings 1,2,3,4 etc
The Angels take Headings A,B,C,D etc

do read page http://www.h2g2.com/A446753 first as this explains everything.

Peta tells me she will be watching with interest.

May the best team win.
vegimansmiley - smiley

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I have started the late activated pages 1a

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

1 {a} done

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 4

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

same here smiley - winkeye. LAP 1a is done

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 5

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Late activated pages 2 {b} done smiley - smiley
Is this a race?smiley - winkeye
I can think of ~far~ better ways of expending energy, Kheldar!smiley - bigeyes

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

erm Kheldar, I'll leave greeting "chilled guy" in your capable hands!

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 7

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

erm where are we up to?

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 8

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

Hey GB, why won't you greet this person? Did he say anything strange? smiley - winkeye
I don't know where you are up to. I have posted what I have done, and I'll continue when I have the time smiley - smiley

Chilled Guy is greeted.

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 9

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Late activated pages 3 {c} are done.
Thanks Kheldar.
Welcome St.Bob!smiley - winkeye

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 10

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

I have done PAL 2. Looks like I'm losing smiley - winkeye

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 11

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

What's PAL 2?
I am doing New Researchers 1 {a} now....
also have to keep activating this page as my "back button" has stopped working smiley - sadface

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 12

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

1{a} done...smiley - smiley
starting 2{b}

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 13

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

2{b} donesmiley - smiley

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 14


I'm taking #22 and #23 and working on up!

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 15

Will Jenkins (Dead)

I'm just getting throughly confused. I'm an ACE and an Angel, wht do I do? Could someone explain, step by step the welcoming process for me personally?!
Sorry, I'm just a cretin.

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 16


No problem! When you greet you put two dots after the greeting in the subject line like this:
hello there..
That tells the rest of us you are both angel and ace. So pick a section put in both letter and number and save other angels and aces from going there!! Get greeting!

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 17


#22 and #23 done, claiming #20 and #21

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 18

Will Jenkins (Dead)

so to clarify, I just pick a page off this list, go there, leave a mesage with xxx xxx.. as the subject and then put a message which says letter,number in this forum?

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 19

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Oh, thank Heavens, another Saint has turned up.
*retiring for the night, shocked to find she's been here for 14 hours*

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 20


You claim a heading by number and letter and visit each of the 10 names leaving some form of greeting with xxxx xxx.. in the subject line - if an ace has visited already then you can choose whether to greet or not, in no ace has visited you should leave a message. When all are done then return here and post that number and letter is done. OK?

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