A Conversation for Newcomers 2h2g2 Posted 3rd October 2000

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 41

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

6{f} is done.
This is my post, Will: {then I personalize it}
Hello and welcome to H2G2.smiley - fish
I am an Archangel, a fellow Researcher who has volunteered to help and guide new Researchers if they need it.smiley - smiley
Thank you for joining our online community and I am sure you are going to have a great time here.smiley - bigeyes
Have fun joining in the forums, or create your own!smiley - winkeye
Please feel free to search for any subjects which interest you, and if you can't find any Guide Entries on something you know a lot about, please write one!
Some interesting links for you:
The Guardian Angel's New Users Page: http://www.h2g2.com/A352667
Colonel Seller's Overwhelmingly Huge Guide to h2g2 Clubs: http://www.h2g2.com/A270325
Quick Reference Guide: http://www.h2g2.com/A344756
The Guardian Angel's page: http://www.h2g2.com/A300943 {where you can ask for your own personal Guardian Angel}.
If you need help setting up your page: http://www.h2g2.com/GuideML-CLinic
Have fun hitchhiking around! smiley - fish
Oh, and please post your birthday at: http://www.h2g2.com/A293195
: then - then ) for smiley - smiley
; then - then ) for smiley - winkeye
8 then - then ) for smiley - bigeyes
: then - then P for smiley - tongueout
: then - then ( for smiley - sadface
> then <> for smiley - fish
Thanks! smiley - smiley

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 42

Will Jenkins (Dead)

In that case, I'm taking 10.

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 43

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Yep I've got it now. 10's done, I'm on for 11.

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 44

Will Jenkins (Dead)

11 done.

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 45

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

7{g} taken...
Well done, Will;
Is Will counting for the ACES or the Angels???
smiley - winkeyesmiley - bigeyessmiley - fish

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 46


Double agents count for both, and for the record I didn't call anyone dumb, just suggested it was too complicated for people to grasp. Why are we doing it....here we go again......aces are the official greeters, angels are the unofficial greeters, so even if a new user has been greeted by an angel they still need a greeting from an ace, unless (and this IS where it gets complicated) the angel is also an ace in which case one will do? So to help tell them apart angels should use letters and aces numbers and I guess it follows that someone who is both should use both. Clear? I don't think so because at least one angel who is not both is posting letters AND numbers, at least one who is both is only posting numbers, one who is not both is also only posting numbers instead of letters, so it is once again getting complicated.
Still at least Will is on track now, good to see you are in the swing wWill. But who can now say which have been done by angels, by aces or by both. I'll count up and give a summary, (I might even be honest smiley - smiley)

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 47

Will Jenkins (Dead)

I've done Tweetie but I expect that doesn't count.

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 48

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Maybe you should just stick to numbers and when people say they've done them thay can put if they are an ACE or Angel or Both. eg.

42 - Both

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 49


OK, for the Aces we still need to do:
Pages activated late 3 then sections 1-9 inclusive.
These have however been covered by angels who NOT aces so Will you can choose to either do them as an ace or not bother. As for the Angels: ....No hang on a minute, this is meant to be a competition....you work it out.smiley - tongueout I'll take pages activated late 3 leaving aces to do 1-9.

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 50


Will, it got very confusing last week and what has been happening is that newcomers have been left ungreeted by aces ( or judging by the large numbers of other aces here....me you and Tweetie)
The idea was to make it less confusing (stop laughing immeadiatly!!)and to have a fun competiton. 1-9 are unclaimed by Aces. I'll be back later to finish off...

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 51

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I have been greeting with: welcome to h2g2...
{with 3 dots after} as requested.
However, I have been posting after an ACE who is also posting with 3 dots after his greeting.
I apologize for posting the group number and letter.
In future I will just post the letter, to try & make things a ~little~ less confusing.
Will, when did you do Tweetie?
And why didn't she tell me?smiley - winkeye

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 52

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Block ~g~ is done.smiley - smiley
Taking ~h~

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 53

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Sadly not in RL, give it time, (and alcohol)

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 54

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Sadly, had to stop at 73{h} as my teenage son just walked in & requested the pc {nicely} NOT.
I'll do the rest of {h} when I log back on, approx. 4.30pm. Hopefully the sun will be gone from my screen then too & I'll be fed & watered & in a ~much~ better mood....smiley - winkeye

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 55

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

{h} is done {mostly by Archangel Dan, I may add!}smiley - smiley
Commencing {i}

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 56

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

{i} is done, with the exeption of man_thing....I will leave that one to any of you males, whatever banner you are flying under.
Commencing {j}

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 57

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

j + k have been done.
Commencing l.

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 58

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Blocks: o,p,r,s,t,u,v,w.
All the rest are done.
Commencing block o.

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 59

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Block o is done. Commencing Block p
Left to do: Blocks r,s,t,u,v,w.

Welcome Mat - Posted 3rd October 2000

Post 60

Will Jenkins (Dead)

I'm doing r and s, but mark ye all that I'm also an ACE so no-one need bother with the blocks that I do again.

Key: Complain about this post