A Conversation for The Alabaster House

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 241


His is about as long as your average bungee rope I think...

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 242

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

I will shamefully admit that when I went bungee jumping the bloke had to give me an encouraging shove as my foot were errr...stucksmiley - smiley But it was definitely worth itsmiley - biggrin

And climbing without a rope is ok but quite how you'd do it up modern buildings is intriguing as they have really poor grip...although I suppose with a lot of chalk it'd be oksmiley - smiley

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 243


Yes, I think it's quite painful actually. I wouldn't like to try it.

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 244


I would smiley - biggrin

But then I'm generally considered to be a climbing nut anyway.

*enstates his chequebook as the Ambassador to Natwest, seeing as he hasn't had any applications for a while*

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 245

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Are we talking about climbing or bungee jumping being painful? I don't think many people get injured climbing. I've been climbing since I was 3 and the only injury I've had is scratches from climbing up cracks in shorts which is a bad plan incase you were considering it...mind you abseiling down again tends to cause more damage particularly if you have a tendency to end up upside down at the bottom of the cliff like I used tosmiley - biggrin

*considers wearing a disguise and reapplying as minister of icecream*

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 246


Ah, but free climbing can be very painful when you fall...

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 247

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Well yes but if you're practiced enough to do a free climb then you're generally practiced enough to grab onto ledges on the way back down...that and hopefully not fall off to start with.
*runs over to touch a wooden table*

Oh and guess what, it looks like you may be stuck with me at the meet-up after allsmiley - tongueout
*notices MaW about to run off and hide*
But only possibly and not for very long if I do, I just might appear and wave that's allsmiley - smiley

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 248


It'll be great to see you.

And if you're free-climbing a skyscraper there's not that much to grab on to on the way down...

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 249


My housemate was looking at some climbing club's website, which had a vote on good climbs and admitted that he's fallen of more of those listed than he's actually completed.

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 250


Falling adds to the experience smiley - biggrin

The most painful thing about climbing is being male, and falling while connected to a rope. Sometimes I feel that I'd prefer to fall without the harness.

Or, similarly, belaying somebody who is heavier than you, and falls.

I prefer free climbing for that reason, and I think that it tests your abilities better than if you've got lots of safety backup stuff. You have to make more critical decisions; if you're roped up then you tend to try something hard to see if you can do it. I think climbing should be as much about the mind as about the body.

*clamps a hand over his mouth to stop himself rambling more about climbing*

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 251


Falling off the bouldering wall has lead to my being told off for my language when there are children present. I'm not sure if that's a learning experience or not.

Female belayers do have to be told "Slack, slack slack!" a lot when you've reached the ground.

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 252

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*grins smugly*
It's alright for us, free climbing or harnessed both alrightsmiley - smiley I generally only get shredded climbing and often that's just from the heather and gorse walking up to the rocks...
*touches wood quickly in an annoyingly superstitious way*

*looks sad*
Oh and I'm not coming to the meet-up now which is really annoying as I wanted to come and challenge peregrin to a bungee contest out the window and then climb up into the pub free style before drinking lots and staying sober whilst grinning at many more drunk people and munching on RL Fruit pastillessmiley - biggrin

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 253


Oh no! Why not?

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 254

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

I'm having a very tough week and I suspect that I probably wouldn't be too good a company at the minute...
Crying on people when you first meet them generally gives off bad impressions in my experiencesmiley - biggrin

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 255


Oh no, that's bad. We could try cheering you up.

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 256


We've got shoulders you can cry on if you like. smiley - smiley
Yes, I'm sure the meetup would help cheer you up.

Do you want to talk about your tough week? (As well as two shoulders, I've got two ears! I'm multifunctional! There's only one brain though.)

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 257


I'll listen too, though I don't know how good I am at cheering people up. How about a smiley - stiffdrink?

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 258


I can listen. What I do after that is debateable...

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 259

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*hugs nice people*
Thank you but I've had to come away for a few days (am currently wasting other peoples internet bill so this is one good thing at least) so whilst I would like to be in London and not here it's not going to happen.
When you said I could talk to you about stuff did you mean here or if I'd have come to the meetup? As if you mean the meet up it's probably better that I'm not going as you would have ended up with mascara all over your shirts and mascara has tendency's not to wash out of anything smiley - smiley If you didn't mind me whining it would be quite good as everyone's so involved in everything that I kind of have no objective people left...but I would sound very depressing so it might not be wise.

*gets her Schumi Bear to apply for a job as Minister of Fast Cars*

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 260


Tinkerbell, you can talk wherever you like. And I don't mind getting mascara on my h2g2 t-shirt as long as the mascara's black - because it won't show on the black t-shirt. Theoretically, at least smiley - smiley

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