A Conversation for The Alabaster House

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 141

The Fish

My mate Des (the brainy maths type that BB knows, also is called "Minister of Darkness on here) is known a "master chef" by his hall mates... I always thought he was a terrible cook, with no imagination... but he doesn't need it really... just needs to know how to follow a recipe smiley - cool

*Apologises to tink for use of smiley*


smiley - fish

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 142


I can cook quite well... but I have a tendency to forget things if I'm not paying enough attention. If I stay in the kitchen I can cook a good meal - I cooked a great Christmas dinner for 15 students on my own last year - but when I'm cooking just for myself I wander off and get distracted, by my computer, or a book, or a fly.

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 143


Oh dear...

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 144


New edition of ParanoiaPost out already! http://www.h2g2.com/A466832

(if you're wondering, it's my new pet project. Another h2g2 newspaper, but not quite like the Post...)

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 145

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*grins but winces at the smiley*
I'm a good cook...
*attempts half hearted protest upon realising that nobody ever believes this owing to the many simple things which she's managed to wreck*
No really...I can cope with overly complex stuff it's just anything that I should be able to do...such as half boiling an egg...I can't cope withsmiley - biggrin
*shudders at the manical smiley*

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 146


smiley - ghostsmiley - devilsmiley - witch

What do you mean "scary"?

If your porridge is the texture of wallpaper paste, it's far too runny, you know.

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 147


It's just occured to me that the witch looks more like Worzel Gummidge. Ah, well.

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 148


At least the fish smiley - fish looks like a fish. In fact it looks like a plump Babel Fish.

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 149


smiley - hsif

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 150


* kills the fish and fries it *

Fish, anyone?

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 151

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Do you have bacon? What's vaguely interesting is that the ones designed to look scary just look quite fun to me...but there's definitely an element of Wurzel Gummage which links to the Wurzels which is then scary so I can see where it's coming from smiley - winkeye
*still can't work out the poking in the eye part*

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 152

Kumetanzuka the capricious

What's a Wurzel?

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 153



Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 154


All together now:

Oi've got a brand new combine 'arvester
And oi'll give you the key...

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 155

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*wonders how to describe a Wurzel*

Err... It's alleged to be a singer in a band?

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 156

Kumetanzuka the capricious

Hmmm - A particular band, or just any old band?

The first line of that song... it sounds somewhat semi- almost a little familiar to me, as if in my 19 years I had heard the phrase once, and filed it away for future reference in the deep dark corners of my... oh! That reminds me - I have some files to organize!

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 157

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*looks in wonder at the person who has managed to banish the memory of the Wurzels*

Ummm the band was called The Wurzels so a Wurzel would be a member of the band I guess...

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 158


* runs away screaming in fright *

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 159

Kumetanzuka the capricious

Okay. I understand now... You know, for anyone from 'overseas', spending half your life on h2g2 is like getting a sound, informal but very thorough british education from scratch - with a dash of German and such here and there.

All this talk of Essex, and the Tube, and the BBC, and the Wurzels...

Application for ambassadorial appointment

Post 160


Yeah, well, but on the other hand I've learnt more about the USA, Germany and the Netherlands than I would have otherwise.

The internet is useful for something at least smiley - winkeye

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