A Conversation for Theme Parks And Rollercoasters

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 1

Kobolt - aka 'I didn't fail, I found 5000 ways that don't work'


Please review my entry on Theme Parks and Rollercoasters. I looked through the guide and I found very little of use about this subject so I wrote one myself because I love rollercoasters. Let me know what you think of it and I will make improvements if necessary

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

This is an extremely well written and documented entry.
Only one point, your titles would look much better as
They will then appear in bold blue blocks, much more strikingsmiley - biggrin
Other than that, I can't fault it.
Well done, Chizzel!

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 3

pathew sgleiniog

Wow! A very thorough walk through rollercoaster history.

I would add one suggestion to GB's above.
Perhaps you could put the terms in the bullet points in italics or bold to separate them from the explanations that follow them. These bits ('Chain Lift' in this example):

"Chain Lift-Pulls the car up the initial hill to give it the speed to perform some of the later manoeuvres."

Sorry I can't give you any feedback on content, but I'm not really a rollercoaster connosieur. They're too fast and scary for me!

Just a thought, and a job well done!

smiley - sleepypathew

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 4

The Anomaly, Master of all things Sims, & Interstellar Keeper of Commonplace Lanyards

Hey, it looks awesome! Also, another record-breaker for you (I'm a great fan of roller-coasters and look for the best and fastest) is the longest (circuit) wooden roller coaster; The Beast in Paramount's King's Island, which I've ridden myself and it is very fun. Also there is Son of Beast--its new but its the only wooden coaster that has loops. Some people like steel coasters better, but there's nothing like a wooden one! I could chat about it for hours, but I've got to get back to my Sims! smiley - biggrin

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 5

The Anomaly, Master of all things Sims, & Interstellar Keeper of Commonplace Lanyards

Also, sorry for not e-mailing you, I got carried away. I'd love to chat with you sometime, you seem cool!

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 6

Kobolt - aka 'I didn't fail, I found 5000 ways that don't work'

OK, I put the first bits on the lists in italics, I changed the history and the 'coaster facts and figures' bits in a nice blue heading. That tag didn't work so I just did it with a font tag and I added one of those coasters I was given. Do I just wait for a scout to spot this entry now or what?

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 7

Wayfarer -MadForumArtist, Keeper of bad puns, Greeblet with Goo beret, Tangential One

pretty much. smiley - bigeyesone thing tho- the blue heading isn't very visible in GOO skin.

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 8

Kobolt - aka 'I didn't fail, I found 5000 ways that don't work'

Oh right, I use alabaster, hmm.... I'll find something that works with white and blue....

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 9

Kobolt - aka 'I didn't fail, I found 5000 ways that don't work'

OK, I put the headings in a Dark Orange colour that works with both skins.

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 10

Kobolt - aka 'I didn't fail, I found 5000 ways that don't work'

Is there anything else I need to add or is my entry ready for inspection now?

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 11

Kobolt - aka 'I didn't fail, I found 5000 ways that don't work'

I think my entry is finally finished now, any last requests?

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 12

James Casey

Just a few points...nothing all that important...rather picky actually! smiley - smiley

1. No need to underline the headings. This isn't generally done. Whoever edits the article will remove them anyway.
2. No need for repeating '18 miles' in the first para of 'History'. After mentioning it once, just say 'the course'. Until the 'This was possible since 17..' bit, that is. Told you it was picky! smiley - biggrin
3. Third para of the same section, you've missed out a space in the '1890,the' bit.
4. Consider changing the section headers in black bold to s.
5. Turn some of the explanation bits in brackets into s.

Other than that, great stuff!


A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 13

Kobolt - aka 'I didn't fail, I found 5000 ways that don't work'

OK mr. Picky smiley - smiley

I changed the stuff you mentioned apart from the and tags, I couldn't get those to work. I work in HTML, is that anything to do with it?

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 14

Martin Harper

and are guideML. Just click the 'convert to GuideML button, and it should all be fixed for you - and then you can use the new tags.

Ask if you're stuck.

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 15

Kobolt - aka 'I didn't fail, I found 5000 ways that don't work'

hmm... I get too many error messages in Guide ML, I think I'll leave it in HTML, its the only web programming language I know. Does it look OK how it is though, or would it look a huge amount better in guide ML?, if you tell me what you think it would look better like, I could probably make the changes using HTML.

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 16

James Casey

I don't think changing it to GuideML would make much of a difference, no. And if a sub-editor took it up, they could make any changes that they're supposed to. At least, this is what I think. Opinions, Scouts/Sub-Eds? Lucinda?

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 17


Yeah, don't worry about it, it'll get GuideMLed as it goes through the editing process.


A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 18

Martin Harper

GuideML is basically just HTML with extra tags (eg, footnote, who's here) and a few extra restrictions - namely, all tags must be paired up or - and to write a & you need to use &

Is it worth it? well, using guideml means you can use h2g2 style headers and suchlike, so your entry will fit in well with the guide style and in all the skins. It's also faster, because the servers are optimised for guideML. Plus, because your entries require less work for the sub-eds, your entries are marginally more likely to get recc'd - it's not a huge thing, but as scouts we are /encouraged/ to select entries which will require minimal sub-editing. You also get to do links which appear in the righthand margin with guideml, by using the tag - and h2g2 links require less typing.

If you do decide to make the effort, you can get help with errors at the GuideML clinic. If you know HTML already, then it probably won't take much effort at all - an hour max, I'd say. your mileage may vary.

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 19

Kobolt - aka 'I didn't fail, I found 5000 ways that don't work'

Where is the guide ML clinic?

A441208 Theme Parks and Rollercoasters

Post 20

Kobolt - aka 'I didn't fail, I found 5000 ways that don't work'

I found it, never mind smiley - smiley

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