A Conversation for Does God have a beard?

Let's Look at this in a different light

Post 1

Zarniwoop III

I personally feel that, if it is true that we are molded in the image of god, then he diffinatly has a beard. Look, Adam was around before Eve, correct? And if that is true, than god must be a male (or whatever the word in heavan is for a male). Also, we (men) naturally grow beards, therefore if we do, wouldn't he too? I don't get this idea that god is a woman, or that he is of any sex what-so-ever. But he is in the form of what we call a male being. For those of you who say he is the presence of all thing, that cannot be true, for if he was, he would not be in the least bit a human-like figure. I'm not trying to offend anyones views on the topic, but geez, stick with the facts. Now I can see how you could argue about different religions having different beliefes. But depite my lack of knowledge about religion, I'm still pretty sure that there are no MAJOR religions with goddesses, or gods that are the presence of all things which would mean that god is an unlimited number of colours, shapes, words, objects, etc. all lumped into one. That is my openion, swallow it as you will

Zarniwoop III smiley - fish

Let's Look at this in a different light

Post 2

Zarniwoop III

Also, as usual, please excuse my spelling and gramatical errors above, as I NEVER take the time to look at what I've done before I post it (that would save alot of embarassment though, wouldn't it) :-Þ

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