A Conversation for Does God have a beard?

A very scruffy and scraggly one, it's been two days since I last shaved.

Post 1

The Unmentionable Marauding Pillowcase

Well, who or what is God anyway? If God is seen as the totality of everything, then of course God has an infinity of beards, as well as an infinity of not-beards.

God could also be seen as the reality that underlies this and every other universe, the ground-state from which everything else actually came into existence. In this form God of course cannot be imagined to have a beard.

Or God could be a form of consciousness pervading all of existence, but not identical to the material things that exist. Being non-material, this kind of God would also not have a beard.

If God happens to be the Allah worshiped by Islam He will have a beard, as He will be male and adult Muslim men (in the stricter versions of the religion - and of course Allah is the strictest Muslim of all) have to have beards.

If God turns out to be the Christian God, He will be omnipresent and composed of the three elements the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are supposed to be one as there cannot be any divisions in God; all three are fully God and also omnipresent. So if God had a beard it would have to be a fourth element, also fully God and also omnipresent. This is even harder to accept than the doctrine of the holy Trinity. Therefore if God turns out to be the Christian God He most probably does not have a beard.

Then it might be the case that every individual human is God in her/his own private world. Which, seen from my perspective, explains my answer. Yours might differ.

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A very scruffy and scraggly one, it's been two days since I last shaved.

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