A Conversation for Good pubs in Bristol (UK)

Good Wine In Bristol

Post 1


As you seem to be au fait with the beer side of things I wondered if you could recommend any good pubs where you can find decent wine behing the bar, not a thing frequently found in UK pubs, but Bristol being such a great place n'all I wondered if you knew of anywhere that sells decent stuff for less than £14.65 a glass?

Good Wine In Bristol

Post 2

Researcher 53734

Two places to get wine spring to mind. The first is the Clifton Wine Bar, near the Student's Union on Queens Road and hence filled with students during termtime. Otherwise its quite nice, although most people seem to drink beer there.
Far better, and more difficult to get into, is Old Possums on Chandos Road, Redland. Turn up at 6pm or earlier to get a place. The wine is excellent and cheap, as is the food. Its a shame its so tiny that only 30 people can cram in at most. You'll just have to spend a whole evening drinking in there...... shame.
Hope that helps!

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