A Conversation for Good pubs in Bristol (UK)

Late Drinking

Post 1


You missed one (at least). The best pub in Bristol is the Star & Garter, which is only occasionally to be found closed (i.e. when there is no-one left in Bristol). 11pm on a Friday night is when it comes alive, and all the drinkers crawl out of the cracks in the walls for another large shot of Ray Nephews (they run rockets on that stuff, dontcha know). You're still burping the stuff on Sunday afternoon!

Fridays is also the time you find the renowned DJ Derek in the corner (buy him a pint) - he has the best music collection this side of the 60s, with some totally awesome versions of real classics - ask him to play Whiter Shade of Pale!

Late Drinking

Post 2


dont forget vince the doorman
"special nite tonite, everybody a pound. one dollar, everybody one dollar in debucket."
and then after (if you still have money and can walk) tasties round the corner for curried goat or just simply rice and peas
be wary of the dreaded giant rasta wielding his onion bargie and the 40p man, sidekick.

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