A Conversation for Good pubs in Bristol (UK)

Cocktail Bars

Post 1

Daniel the 49290th

There's a nice cocktail bar on Corn Street, Bristol, called Via Vita. The sort of place to go when you have £30 burning a hole in your pocket, it's expensive but good. And you can walk out with a menu, in order to make them at home for half the price (once you have shelled out on the spirits!)... Plus, it has quite a nice restaurant built in.

Anybody know of any other good drinking establishments?

Not Cocktail Bars

Post 2


I can't believe you've never been ( for that's the only way you wouldn't have rated it ) to the Hare On The Hill in Kingsdown.

Since it's been relatively sunny I think people should mention thier top three beer gardens, mine are:

1) Highbury Vaults ( Cotham/Kingsdown )
2) Channings Hotel ( Clifton )
3) Clifton Wine Bar ( Clifton )

and others...


BTW does the bottom of King Street ( Llandogger Trow/The Old Duke/Bar Med ) count?

Still Not Cocktail Bars

Post 3

Daniel the 49290th

I'll try and make my way there smiley - winkeye

I don't know about Llandogger Trow and Bar Med, but I like The Old Duke... Although it can be very noisy sometimes, and you have to like Jazz (They've had a jazz band (does 3 people constitute a band?) in there every night I've been!)

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