Good pubs in Bristol (UK)

5 Conversations

Well, as an accomplished drinker of beer and other sources of alcoholic solace, I thought I might as well start with a subject close to my liver (assuming it doesn't mind)

In no particular order (as someone else once said);

The Hope & Anchor (Jacobs Wells Road)

The Hillgrove (Kingsdown-ish)

The Bell (Kingsdown)

Actually, I'll stop there and call it my Top 3 (for this week/year/time-unit-of-your-choice a.k.a. until I decide to change them)

I could describe what makes them so great, but if you can bear to try one, it'll all become reasonably clear, and you can be pretty sure you'd like the others (and probably anything else I cared to suggest to you... assuming (as one must) that you're the sort to take these
off-hand 'personal' recommendations far too seriously...)

Hear hear (beer)

PS. to the editorial/design team - might I venture the suggestion that the submission script do a quick `s/\n/<br>/g`; (assuming it's written in perl)

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