A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 661


*tucks potion away for later*
Oi's is havin' ter bow outs o' this one oim afraid.
I's needs ter be on me own for a little while.
I bids yer alla Happy New year, and hopes I can be around a bits more.
Lovely Ladies, i takes me leave.
*bows to all and departs*

Sorry guys, time has got the better of me once again.
Have a wonderful time, wherever you are and catch you all in the New Year. Hugs and kisses to all,
Jools. ~oxo~

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 662

Tschörmen (german) -|-04.04.02

*E pops out of malt-ah.*

A smiley - stout please!

Kasia, will you start the JAN.thread at midnight Polish winter time, or when? seems there are quite a number of new threads. and I haven´t read the backlog, so believe I am purple from head to tails. And what a wonderful snow we have here. And I think I am too worked up. ONE MORE week of holiday.

Sorry, am I boring you...?

*E pops of to the offline.*

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 663

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Moresmiley - bubblyanyone?smiley - biggrin
OO-er...I should take it a bit steadier...hehehe
Hey, guess what, my daughter just bumped into SMOKIE in an airport somewhere & she got their autographs for me!smiley - biggrin
I've been a fan of theirs since before she was born!
I wish she'd have given them my phone number!smiley - biggrin
Did anyone else see their recent conert in China?
It was great!

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 664

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

WHO!??? ::raises an eyebrow::

::Cats look around for their mother, Dragonfly, but they do not recognise her in her purple gown::

smiley - tongueout

::tears off her ruined sketch of Linus... Bites on her pencil, studying her subject, before starting a new sketch::

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 665


*Pandora awakens with a long cat like stretch...sits up...looks around...NEW YEARS EVE!!!...Runs to the ladies, showers, & uses Kasia high powered hair dryer *Voom* hair dry & smooth as silk, as "someone has said"...picks a designer denim gown-
low...cut to the navel with criss-cross leather stiching...slit up the side to the thigh...cut low in the back, barely 'on' the sholders & long on the bottom, nearly to the floor. Leather ballet slippers that criss-cross to the calf. A touch of mascara...a bit of lip gloss-
a pinch to the cheeks & it's PARTY time!!!...enters the Pub*
"Happy New Year Everyone!" *looks at how nicely everyone is dressed....giggles as she sees the other witches of Eastwick have made a come back for the evening!* I'll start with a nice pitcher of VERY dry vodka martinis & a bowl of olives...breakfast!*
"Has everyone opened their Christmas gifts? Looks like there's a few left behind the sofa! You'll find that when you open a box you shall get what you wish for...so by ALL means...open your gift
remember, if it's a car or such, take it outside to open!" smiley - biggrin

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 666

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::bites through her pencil, when she sees Pandora in her LOVELY dress!!! How "shocking!!!"::

::Spits the bit of pencil out and forgets her nude model when the CHRISTMAS PRESENTS are mentioned!!!::

OOO!!!! PRESENTS!!! I forgot, Pan!!! Thank you thank you ahead of time for...

::opens up her present and sees tickets for vacations at different times to the UK and to New Zealand and to Asia, along with a bank account that has enough money in it for her, five children, four cats, and a wonderful husband to live of the interest!!!::


Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 667

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

Hi folkssmiley - smiley

Hey we have 01.01.01 (well at least - I do smiley - biggrin )!

Just returned from my RL New Year's Ev-party - it was just wonderful: among many friends, with much dancing and smiley - bubbly
We once more become snow - the city looks great in this white dress...

Hi Engländer smiley - smooch - back home from vacations?

Well I will start the Jan thread in a few minutes smiley - smiley, so do join soonsmiley - smiley

But the party is running so...

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 668

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Nearly 11:30 pm here in Freezing Florida -- I'm about to run outside and watch some fireworks. Happy New Year, y'all! smiley - kiss

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 669


Feeling much more at ease in Lil's jumper and jeans, raises a glass of smiley - bubbly.

Happy new millennium everyone! smiley - bigeyes

Pan! smiley - biggrin I'm so pleased that you have joined the land of the living for New Year! smiley - hug Nice dress, dearest!

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 670


New Year's greetings to all! A glass of champagne with friends! What better!

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 671

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Cheers all my lovely Dears!!!! Happy New Year!! smiley - bubbly

Gives everyone a smiley - smooch !!!

2001!! How kewl is that?

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 672

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

2001 is very cool, indeed!!! smiley - smiley

Now that it's the New Year for everyone, can I get out of this dress!?? smiley - tongueout

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 673

Tschörmen (german) -|-04.04.02

Do dragonflies shed their skin or change?

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 674


Er dragonfly's live one day & then die...guess that's how 'our' St Dragonfly came to be a Saint...after all...ever meet a LIVING St.?

Glad you liked the gift S. D... smiley - biggrin

Poor Gwennie...they say (I REALLY want to know who 'THEY' are!!!) how you bring in the new year will tell how the rest of the year shall pass...looks like same ol'-same ol' for Gwennie! smiley - bigeyes

Mari-rae...*touches finger to Mari-rae's thigh* 'ssst' wow, you look HOT!

*looks around* Ya' know...we all clean up pretty nicely! smiley - biggrin

More BOOOOOOZE....smiley - biggrin Happy New Year smiley - biggrin Maybe I'll just take a wee nap, 6 or 7 hours...just a quick one. smiley - bigeyes *heads for the blue goo sofa...

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 675

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - blush I am, you know, a Titaness...

Zeus got upset with me for spending too much time inspiring the BEATLES and not him, hence, they had their break up and I was turned into a dragonfly. Now you know.

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 676

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)


Oh well, into each life a little rain must fall. And you haven't let a little thing like the wrath of a major deity stop you in your love for the Beatles; so you go girl!!

Thanks, Pandora! I feel very pretty too and this is all being wasted on this crowd so far!!! smiley - tongueout

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 677

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

Ok folks, here is the shortest way to the January thread :-) http://www.h2g2.com/F52920?thread=95907

Crossed Purposes:Dec.2000

Post 678

Evil One, part time Megalomaniac and fanatical condemner of Alabaster and Pop music

No follow up

How unusual

Mellenium bug?

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