A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 81

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Thank you Pan. Go easy on that nice young man there.

*Places root under tongue.*

Oh smiley - yuk !

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 82

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - laugh EASY??? I AM easy! smiley - bigeyes
Oh, teehee...I see what you mean Mari-rae. smiley - blush Well he looks strong enough to handle me.

Glad you like the root Mari-rae...tastes like vermouth. smiley - biggrin Wanna' olive?

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 83

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

My ma always said: A light truck is not an easy pick-up smiley - silly

smiley - pirate

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 84

Seth of Rabi

A drowsy numbness dulls my brain
for want of hop and barley brewed
So fill my tankard once again
and charge the round to Sultandude smiley - cool

:: he knew a thing or two, that Keats chappie smiley - laugh ::

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 85

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*supressed giggle from the Blue Goo Couch at Seth's poetry*


Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 86

Seth of Rabi

:: Hmmm .. dulce et decorum est cum Mari-rae sedere .. sidles casually towards blue goo couch ::

smiley - smiley

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 87

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::gasp!!!:: We studied that when I was a senior in high school!!!... only three years ago... smiley - tongueout

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 88

Pandora...Born Again Tart

Seth!!!! Get back!!!! Save yourself man!!!!! She's not well!!!!!
Best let go of me now Egonsmiley - kiss I'm going over to tend Mari-rae.
smiley - cheerup*feels Mari-rae's head. *tisk-tisk* We may have to take her out back and shoot her! Or maybe just a trip to the Outback would work...I have to think on that. Here ya' are Deary,
a spot O' teasmiley - tea with just a pinch of ginger.
smiley - stiffdrink Gotta' make myself germ free right? THIS stuff will kill ANYthing. Well at least I know it kills worms! Just look at the one I put in this drink. Dead as a door-nail!!! ~ smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - bigeyes

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 89

Seth of Rabi

It's a pot of smiley - tea with a pinch of bromide for me then ? smiley - sadface

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 90

Researcher 168814

How about an smiley - ale??? If Sultandude´s paying anyway¿¿¿

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 91

Thog the G & A D.P. of Loon;Muse of A.P., M.G.G.C.,and Whipped Cream; Lurker; BFG;aka The Loinclothed One (have you seen it?)

::still lurking -- of course mari-rae assumes stalking is involved... *sigh* so egotistical at such a young age... still have suspicions about that bee - stinger on my head after the halloween party though... hmmm...::

smiley - tongueout

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 92

Pandora...Born Again Tart

*looks at the floor...which BTW needs sweeping* Is he dressed yet? Is he dressed yet? smiley - stiffdrink A few dozen of these and I just may look for myself! smiley - bigeyes
psst...Mari-rae...is he dressed yet? *gives her a back rub & more smiley - tea...tosses another log onto the fire*...anything else you need Hon? smiley - hug Gives Mari-rae her fuzzy blue robe so she won't catch a chill whilst drinking her smiley - tea*

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 93

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Herrrmmm.... did you insist that I get shot, Pan!?? That's not very nice...

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 94


*Sips his drink, by way of bookmarking*

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 95

Pandora...Born Again Tart

What the smiley - bleepare you talking about D.? Might help if you read the backlog...just a bit. I never insist on anything.....& I said zip about you Deary. smiley - cheerup

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 96


*Hands out a chocmilk and a huge very dry martini - in the interests of world peace* smiley - winkeye

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 97

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

I can't believe you said not a word about me!!! I'm the primadona!!!

::twirls around::


::thinks she hears massive applause and encore calls::

Oh, an encore!?? But of course!!!

::leaps and lands beautifully::

::does a point turn into Plato and ends up falling on her face::

smiley - cry

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 98

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - biggrin Thank you Kes smiley - biggrin I'll just keep my mouth full of olives.
*thinkingsmiley - bleepingsmiley - bleep*

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 99


*This time, pours up two smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink and another *

Crossed Purposes:November 2001

Post 100

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - biggrin keep um coming Kes!!! smiley - musicalnote <wh <whi <wh I cond
whishel wi mu mouf fool ob olibes. smiley - bigeyes

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