A Conversation for The H2IQ Quiz - Be The First Among Equals


Post 981

Icy North

Hello Trin,

I think I know what the numbers refer to, but I can't make the connection with Jekyll and Hyde (well, I do have a tenuous connection with Jekyll).

Is it something obscure?

Icy smiley - snowball


Post 982

Trin Tragula

Icy - if you know what the numbers are, then you'll know where they take you.

Master B - no, it's purely playing on the name. The key link is between 'B' and 77


Post 983

Icy North

Hi Trin,

Well this is as far as I can get. If it's right so far, then maybe someone can fill in the missing bits.

I believe the numbers are the road numbers you would take on a journey from Hampshire to Glasgow. (M3, M25, M4, M5, etc)

M77 is in southern Glasgow, and is the road to Kilmarnock.

I am guessing that something connects the ends of this long journey to Jekyll and Hyde.

I believe the Jekyll connection could be the garden designed by Gertrude Jekyll in Upton Grey, near Basingstoke in Hampshire (very close to the M3).

I've been looking for a Hyde connection at the other end of the route, but I can't find one. Maybe there's a garden designed by a Hyde in Glasgow?

Is this on the right lines?

Icy smiley - snowball


Post 984

Trin Tragula

Ooh - you're so close. Look for the connexion between 'B' and 77 (and forget 'M' - think 'A')


Post 985

You can call me TC

smiley - book

*waits for something not based on UK geography*

Master B - can I put your name down if I need to phone anyone when I'm on a quiz show?


Post 986

Icy North

I still can't get this connection, Trin. I suppose I would need local knowledge of the area.

I looked on Master B's page (what an intriguing person - he seems to share some of my interests). Is the B "Ben"? Lots of those in Scotland.

Icy smiley - snowball


Post 987

Trin Tragula

No local knowledge needed - just a map. 74, then 75, then 77 - what's the first town of any size you come to?


Post 988

Trin Tragula

(Oh, and huge respect for Gertrude Jekyll's garden, by the way - real 'Round Britain Quiz' stuff smiley - biggrin)


Post 989

Icy North

Oh, Ballantrae, of course.

The Master of Ballantrae by RLS (author of Jekyll & Hyde)

Icy smiley - snowball


Post 990

Trin Tragula

Oh, well done! smiley - cheers

Right - you're up!


Post 991

Icy North

Billy sells coconuts from a market stall. Every day he sells the same number of coconuts at the same fixed price and takes home £10.

He can't help noticing Maria on the adjacent stall, who sells the same number of higher-quality coconuts at a higher fixed price. Every day she takes home £15.

Well to cut a long story short, Billy took one look at Maria's coconuts and thought, "You don't get many of those to the pound". He proposed marriage to Maria, suggesting that if they pool their coconuts and sell them alternately at her rate and his rate, then they would take home £25. Maria gladly accepted.

However, following their corporate merger they found that at the end of each day they only made £24.

What happened to the extra pound?

Icy smiley - snowball


Post 992

Cupid Stunt

Billy took one look at Maria's coconuts and thought, "You don't get many of those to the pound". - RUDE!


Post 993

Icy North

Double-entendre, maybe, but never rude, surely? smiley - smiley


Post 994


I know I know I know...

The guy who owns the market says, look at those two idiots, still paying for two pitches and only using one. I'm going to charge them a quid extra a day, cos they'll never notice...

Pinsmiley - smiley


Post 995

Trout Montague

Prior to the union, did herself sell the same number as himself was selling? Or just the same unique number every day?


Post 996

Cupid Stunt

Am I missing the point of a double entendre, or is the idea that they sound rude?

It says they took home £25 - does this mean they made the money selling coconuts, or did they perhaps steal it?


Post 997

Icy North

Hi Pin,

Good point. I 'd better make it clear that all revenue comes from the sale of coconuts, and pitches are free. In fact there are no costs whatsoever.

Hi Montague,

Yes, they both started with the same number of coconuts, and sold them all.

Following the union they again sold all the coconuts.

Hi Cupid,

No you're not missing the point at all. Maybe I was brought up on a diet of too many Carry On films. "Ooh, what a nice pear" - "You took the words right out of my mouth", etc.

No stealing - only selling coconuts.

Cheers all,

Icy smiley - snowball


Post 998


They lose a pound because they end up selling more coconuts at Billy's rate than at Maria's.

Each of them starts the day with 30 coconuts, and Billy sells three coconuts for a pound, while Maria sells two for a pound. Under the the old system, 10 sales are made at Billy's rate and 15 sales are made at Maria's rate, but after the merger, 12 sales are made at each rate because they alternate.

Coconuts (snigger)

Post 999

Cupid Stunt

Hmmm. Sounds about right...

Don't worry Re: The Carry On's - I love those films! I keep shouting 'rude!' when people say something innuendo laden, I don't know why. Some people say I have an obsession with double entendre - well, they're right! I've got a big one!

Altogether now "I was one a week man!" "...


Post 1000

Icy North

We have a winner!

Absolutely right, Mycroft.

The phrase "You don't get many of those to the pound" was a clue.

It's your shout...

Icy smiley - snowball

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