A Conversation for Games Room

What do they see in half a glass of water?

Post 1

The Groob

In this game you have to say what people see in half a glass of water. The optimist sees a glass half full. The pessimist sees a glass half empty. What do others see, think or say?

A first year chemistry student sees H20
An alcoholic sees something that could possibly be vodka
A trainee ventriliquist sees a challenge
A man lost in the Sahara sees the nicest thing he's ever laid eyes on
A man with rabies sees the worst thing he's ever laid eyes on

What do they see in half a glass of water?

Post 2


An Englishman sees a space to add whiskey

What do they see in half a glass of water?

Post 3


A microbiologist sees a thriving ecosystem.

What do they see in half a glass of water?

Post 4


An engineer sees a glass that is too large

What do they see in half a glass of water?

Post 5


A murderer sees a way of ingesting potassium cyanide.

What do they see in half a glass of water?

Post 6


A fish sees homesmiley - biggrin

What do they see in half a glass of water?

Post 7


dude lost in the desert sees a miracle

What do they see in half a glass of water?

Post 8


A smoker sees something he can use in lieu of an ashtray

What do they see in half a glass of water?

Post 9


A careless smoker sees a fire extinguisher.

What do they see in half a glass of water?

Post 10


a parent sees the potential to create a glass of orange squash smiley - winkeye

What do they see in half a glass of water?

Post 11


a glass missed from the dishwasher

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