A Conversation for Escape From Poco Island...

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Post 41


And it was the last day. Kes told Peaceful about the treasure; she wanted none of it. Putting other ambitions and personalities aside, she identified what was (for her) the true nature of the island's treasure, and spoke the words that were in her heart. Just before everyone departed, the remaining Marshalls organised a charming ceremony (of questionable legality) featuring flower garlands, a large quantity of home-made punch, a small quantity of home-grown tears and the exchange of the two rings taken from the treasure chest.

The couple flew away in a private helicopter, promising to send a postcard.

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Post 42


And it was the evening of the last day. Close to the Temple door, standing back to back, defending each other, Kes and FC recognised that they had become a team, tuned to each others' instincts, able to operate effectively without the clutter of misunderstandings, instructions, arguments. With that realisation, separation was not an option. They provided cover for each other as they backed towards the door and met up with GB. Now knowing that he could trust FC totally, Kes realised how the cylinder would work. When they reached the door, he ran backwards, pushing them all out of the Temple. As he ran, he pushed the button, which locked down. Then he threw the cylinder into the Temple corridor.

The device's built-in four second delay gave them just enough time to dive for cover before an intense flash of light blinded them for a few seconds. When their sight returned, the Temple had vanished.

For their part in preserving the island (which later became a profitable tourist resort) Kes and FC received an annuity, which they used to tour the Galaxy, sampling drinks in various bars, debating the meaning of life and occasionally rescuing stranded cats in a spectacular manner.

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Post 43


Because of a local shift in probability, some home pages cannot be restored from backup, and have been deleted.

This is the new homepage for Survivor: KES

Kes has not made any entry on the new page yet, but when he does, others will be able to welcome him.

Click here to be the first to discuss this entry.

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Post 44


? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

smiley - smiley

*prostrates himself in honour to Kes, whose burning fingers leave the masses astounded*

Oh Mighty One........

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Post 45


I'm going to patent my idea for a water-cooled keyboard. Don't worry - won't do that again - I was just determined to manage 10 postings without interjection. smiley - smiley

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Post 46


Now there's a challenge........


it would just get silly

smiley - winkeye

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Post 47


Kiddo: I'm here. Am I late? What's everyone doing. How is everyone doing? I didn't know what to do after the survivor thing was over. I actually existed to be in it. So I didn't know how to live anywhere else.

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Post 48

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

Given time, Kiddo, I think we'll all have to learn...

But since there are sooooooo many time shifts - will be nice to wait for the rest of humanity to get back online and see what they think of all these universes which have just been revealed.

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Post 49


Well, they are the "might have beens" .. the ways things could have turned out if just one thing had gone differently. The trouble with RL is that you don't get a chance to try the other pathways. smiley - smiley
Hi PE - nice to see you again. Hope the exploding temple didn't damage your makeup smiley - smiley

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Post 50

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

And to her last, dying day... she never ate a stamp again...

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Post 51


ROFL! smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

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Post 52

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

Hi Kes,

No, just a bit.

But my expensive shawl - there's not much left of it...

smiley - smiley

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Post 53

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

smiley - smiley


about your stamp collection...

you do remember your stamp collection...

I gave it to Galaxy Babe - she's going to give it back to you,

now that you are a heavenly entity...

With all those heroic feats, who wouldn't become a celestial being...

By the way - do you really need stamps in heaven???

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Post 54

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

Hey, Kes. Are you a stamp collector IRL? If so, you may be interested to know that for the Olympics Australia Post are going to print stamps featuring all Australian gold medallists available the day after they win. I have recieved an offer to get an entire collection plus a new stamp album.

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Post 55


So I see smiley - smiley , I shall have to buy you a replacement - unless you have become very attached to the original, of course.
... but I should tell you, if you are going to repair the original shawl, there is no chance of me returning my little scarf .. I am far too attached to it. smiley - bigeyes

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Post 56

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

I consider it a fair exchange for the edible mushroom stamp... (if it wasn't valuable - I must say it was certainly edifying...)

There are beautiful motifs embroidered on that strip of scarf... it is a depiction of the tao, which the ignorant greeks called the chaos, a little bit like Poco, don't you think?

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Post 57


Universal TAO is like the bending of a
bow: that which is too high is
lowered; that which is too low is
raised up. Where there is an excess,
it is lessened; where there is too
little, it is increased.

Ah! I thought the patterns were familiar. It is some time since I last read the words of Lao Tsu.

Yes, Poco had something of chaos, but also something of Tao - perhaps the capacity to allow freedom of thought and action.

As for the stamps, I confess that they were an invention for "the anorak" character. I know nothing of them IRL - I put "stamp collecting" as a hobby on Kes's application (I almost put "collecting train numbers"!) , and thought no more of it. Using the stamps as an encyclopaedia was just one of those things that happened.

Hmm. from memory, GB may have something of Kes's that should go to PE ..... We'll have to organise an exchange! I would expect the Angels to use some virtual angelic sub-ethanet, rather than snail mail, so the stamps will probably be put on exhibition, rather than used! smiley - smiley

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Post 58

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

So, unlike your character, you are not a stamp collector...

But I used a bit of RL in my character... stamp collecting really has been important in my family smiley - smiley

thanks for your thoughts on tao - chaos smiley - smiley

and hope GB gets back from her heavenly duties and see what she has to say smiley - smiley You know you'll be having some fine teachers up there!!!

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Post 59

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I always thought it was the devil who came running when his name was mentioned....

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Post 60

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*reads backlog

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