A Conversation for Escape From Poco Island...

Something In The Water...

Post 41


Kiddo: Oh well. See ya'll later I guess.
*Heads out to the peaceful bay*

Upon Closer Inspection...

Post 42

Matthew Kershaw

* After numerous dives into the hidden depths of this pool the vintage of the plane can be roughly ascetained as a Japanese fighter plane circa WWII. Although badly damaged and mangled the diver can just peer inside the cockpit... *

* The site is one which throws up reminders of the stark reality of warfare, a skeleton peers out seeking a final resting place... *

* After some careful tussling with the cockpit hatch some useful items can be recovered... *

* A knife, compass, flight goggles, rising sun headband, a map of the Japanese mainland & a military uniform, if so inclined... *

* The super structure of the plane yields a machine gun which has been broken off (complete with soaked ammo) & a couple of metallic sections of the panneling which measure approximately 1 meter square... *

Upon Closer Inspection...

Post 43


*returning from Cragi base camp having just left a note*

*dives into water, removes boots and shinbones from cockpit, along with rising sun head band*

*Buries bones and boots, marking the grave with a wooden cross made of wood (strangely enough)*

*retrieves metal panels, and, with rising sun headband now tied around forehead heads back to the Yapong base camp*

Upon Closer Inspection...

Post 44

Matthew Kershaw

* With the sun shining down upon this peaceful place, you manage to see something the light hadn't allowed for the other day... *

* It looks like a banana plant with 3 unripe bananas present... *

Upon Closer Inspection...

Post 45


*runs in, originally for water, see fruit*
I'll take those. Doesn't matter that they're green. My mum said - never put bananas in the fruit bowl with other fruit - they ripen too quickly and go off. So I'll just put them next to some fruit from the beach trees 'til they go yellow. While I'm here - more water. Must get more containers!
*Removes boots - again - fills them with water. Heads off*

Upon Closer Inspection...

Post 46


*after hours of exhausted sleep ox hurries to the waterfall for a drink. Most of the others have formed themselves into a tribe and so ox decides to find whatever rogues and mavericks remain*

Something In The Water...

Post 47

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*wanders down to the water's edge, having seen the exploration from up on the waterfall*
Hmmm, I wonder if there's more stuff down there...
*produces some scuba gear*
*heads into the water*

Quick dip

Post 48


Kiddo: Hello Tweetie. I see you're here too. I just came for a quick dip in the pool.

*Takes of shirt and sandals, walks slowly into the water, trying not to think about the pilot who deid there.*

Quick dip

Post 49

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*sees something moving at the top of the water, and comes up from examining the sunken plane*
A dead pilot?
Cool! Wonder if his skeleton's around...
*dives back under*

Quick dip

Post 50


Kiddo: I think Ox buried him.

Quick dip

Post 51

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*underwater, points her finger skywards*
*bubbles rise up from the surface and form the word "Oh" in front of Kiddo*
*dives further under*

Quick dip

Post 52

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*flutter of wings
Galaxy Babe watches closely what's transpiring.......smiley - fish

Deeper In The Water...

Post 53

Matthew Kershaw

* As the Survivors delve deeper into the pool there appears to be something shining deep down in a ravine at the base of the pool... *

* Although, only the most foolhardy would try to dive that far down into a sharp & jaggered place... *

Deeper In The Water...

Post 54


*Kes arrives at the other end of the pool, not noticing the others, or any glinting underwater objects. He splashes water on to his face, then drink*
Ha. That's better. What a beautiful morning.
Hello world, hello trees, hello water ..
Hello, hello, hello ... small dark brown crustacean with beady eyes.
What are you?
*A check of the album (Crustaceans of the World - beginner's special pack) shows that it isn't a big shrimp, or a small crayfish, but something called a Yabbie - freshwater crustacean, growing to 20 cm. plentiful breeders; edible*
Here - try a bit of this.
*K puts a bit of ex-Mars bar on his fingertip, and puts it in the water. The yabbie begins to eat it - nibbling and tickling gently. K makes to grab it, but relents.*
You're lucky. I've had some breakfast, but I'll remember you when I'm hungry.
*As he stands up, something in a small pocket twitches. He steps back in alarm - another twitch. He opens the pocket*
Oh! A golden spoon. How did that get there? Look! Every time I move past the water, the spoon twitches. It's acting like one of those bent coathanger things - not an aerial - a divining rod. So if I walk over here ... nothing. Over there ...
down that slope?
and that slope heads back towards the beach. I'm going to find where the water falls to.
*Twitch, twitch*

Deeper In The Water...

Post 55

Matthew Kershaw

* The spoon points in a direction where rock appears to be the main feature, and not a stream as reasoned... *

Deeper In The Water...

Post 56


*but the perseverance of sheer ignorance takes him around the boulder, and to a small trickle of water*
*Twitch, twitch*

Deeper In The Water...

Post 57

Will Jenkins (Dead)

smiley - smiley

Deeper In The Water...

Post 58


Kiddo: Oh! I had completely forgoten about the spoons! *Reaches into his other pocket and pulls out the golden spoon* Mine hasn't twitched any smiley - sadface

Deeper In The Water...

Post 59

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

*Petunia's golden spoon leads her to the waterfall. She goes for a swim in the pure waters of the pool below*

Deeper In The Water...

Post 60

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Where did you get the golden spoons from?

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