A Conversation for God Plays Bass

Collaborative Writing Workshop: A3986391 - God Plays Bass

Post 1


Entry: God Plays Bass - A3986391
Author: grandbohoo - U1528919

The underlying science and concept is valid -- Now my question is how to express it within the context of this guide given that this is my first entry! Grandbohoo

A3986391 - God Plays Bass

Post 2


I welcome you, and applaud your first effort. I especially applaud your starting it in the writing workshop rather, as some do, submitting it directly to Peer Review.

The sad part is that without significant rework, it should never reach Edited Guide status. Although I enjoyed reading it, the underlying science is not so valid once examined.

Sound, as we know it, could not have existed first. Sound is the result of vibrations being carried through the air; air being a combination of gases. Gases did not exist in the void in which the big bang banged (Assuming a big bang, of course. There is still some controversy on the subject.)

And, the bang was not related to hydrogen gas in any event. Current theory is that the bang resulted in all of the sub-atomic particles that still exist today (pretty much), and that highly energized photons (light) kept knocking them about, keeping them from forming any atoms (including gases) for some time.

Once the energy level of the universe settled a bit, electrons and protons began dancing a less temporary dance, eventually form stable constructs (protons with them, gluons, etc.)

I do like the concept for the piece, and that the bang could be considered the universe's first and biggest bass thump. Please do not abandon it!

smiley - towel

A3986391 - God Plays Bass

Post 3


Fords towel -- It must be nice going about as a towel most appropriate. I always have my towel since reading The Guide – I bring a tie-died towel everywhere – What color is Fords Towel?

Well Thanks for your advice and review -- It is difficult to keep something simple -- fun -- yet makes the grade in science. I have to disagree with your knowledge of Sound – This wave I call a sound wave is found to be present even in Black Holes as they gobble up galaxies the 1 light year long wave length sound wave (1LY) I am representing here "as God playing Bass" is present. Again it is present “the signature of the oldest known quasars” You are referencing Sound as measured in the Earths atmosphere and with our measurements on Earth the lowest bass note achieved by man is a mere 22ft long. We have no way to comprehend the concept of a sound wave, which the measure of a single note is 1-LY in length? Ultrasound does not use gas to convey it – how would it penetrate the tissue of a human and crush the kidney stones if it was tied to gasses. My Uncle Charlie A. Cady, was foremost authority on sound during his lifetime, agreed with my premise. There is a direct relationship between sound and the dark matter; this is currently being verified at Chicago’s accelerator. Just as electricity, energy waves and light are intrinsically all defined within the unifying forces of reality – Then you have sound, mass, dark matter, which are at the other end of those defining forces. What exists is a conundrum of knowledge at this point that cannot be completely presented without a voluminous argument.

The argument goes – If we “accept” a Big Bang Theory – what caused the Hydrogen Gas to explode? The answer is God Plays Bass – The proof is the existence of the 1-LY wave call it what you will I call it a Bass note the Big Comic Thump that actually caused the explosion – not the resulting sound wave – even the presence of sound predating light is present in the Bible if you read the scriptures. In fact the Torah as written by Moses is in reality a musical score, which must be chanted. In fact, the melody of the notes is more important than any underlying words – it is the vibrational harmonics of sound – that is “heard” by God as it is the transmission of sound by the dark matter and the underlying dark energy – both of which needs to be changed to Spiritual Matter and Spiritual Energy. If you cannot verify this as fact then you need better ACE’s in the H2G2.

Let me know your take on the above before I proceed – I think this is a fundamental issue in Nature as we Earthling call it and I can assure you I will not give up.

peace and clean water yours Grandbohoo – Dragon’s Breath

A3986391 - God Plays Bass

Post 4


Thanks for taking my points into consideration. Rationality is a highly-prized, but sometimes rare, commodity among writers here.

I wholeheartedly sympathise with the difficulties in keeping things simple and fun, yet accurate. True, my definition of sound is a classic, human-based, "Vibrations transmitted through an elastic solid, liquid or gas, at frequencies in the approximate range of 20 to 20000 cycles per second" as found in dozens of standard dictionaries. The elastic medium could be tissue, but of course there was no tissue at the big bang either. Your erroneous assumption was that hydrogen gas was present.

My answer to the classic philosophical question of falling trees has always been an unequivocal 'no'. Sound, to me, has always been the auditory sensation caused by the vibrations. Therefore, no ears, no sound. The vibrations can be recorded or transmitted electronically, but then you are hearing the reproduction of the vibrations, and not the vibrations themselves.

There may indeed be an astrophysical usage of the word 'sound' that would make all the difference; and, perhaps, all you need do is to provide that definition as an introduction to the piece (try to keep THAT light and fun smiley - ok). I, for one, would be excited to read it.

As to the subject of the hydrogen gas; I will happily bow to your uncle's knowledge of sound, if such a definition can be found - I do not, however, believe that his expertise in sound science necessarily qualifies him on the subject of the physics of the big bang.

Try reading "Fearful Symmetry" or "An Old Man's Toy", both excellent laymen's primers, on physics small and large, by Dr. Anthony Zee. You could also try Dr. Carl Sagan or Dr. Stephen Hawking. They will assure you that the original singularity and subsequent bang were the source of the raw material of which gases are made, and not the result of there exploding.

I don't really have any problem with most of what you say. Although I do not know of a direct relationship between sound and the dark matter, it is not important for me to know of it before I read your piece.

*The argument goes – If we “accept” a Big Bang Theory – what caused the Hydrogen Gas to explode?*
This is the concept with which all of modern physics differs. (Certainly not me, as I am no expert, and am dependent on the knowledge of those whose works I have read.)

Calling the big bang a Bass note the Big Comic Thump is your choice, and a good one I think (wonderful imagery), but it cannot be both a result of the big bang and its cause. I think you'll have to select one and go with it.

The Bible and the Torah, especially if the words are not as important as the vocalised sounds, do not constitute scientific tomes; although I think they agree pretty well with science, considering the limitations of the vocabularies with which the writers had to deal. If we are to consider them, there was simply a void until 'Let there be light'; which would mean that, whatever else we may choose to interpret, light came first. (Feel free to ignore this.)

Remember that your central point is that sound preceded all. These other bits are largely details; and, although I'd love to see scientific accuracy included, I would also love to see you make a solid case for the 'Big Bass Thump' theory. (You wouldn't think that one single thump would be much to make a career from, eh? Some bass players get off cheap. smiley - biggrin)

smiley - towel

PS: The towel, although not exactly of Marks and Spencer quality, was a sort of burgandy, with a modified starburst pattern in a pinky shade of mauvy russett. It's quite faded now, and pretty much a grey-green,with some staining and a minor tear in one corner, as I saw the movie. That's what decades of hitchhiking can do to a guy. smiley - rofl

A3986391 - God Plays Bass

Post 5


Ford'sTowel -- Thanks again your incorrect points lead me to put the correct answer in simpler terms -- God "Said" -- Therefore sound came first! put in the proof of sound in the universe before light! I have edited the text and reposted for review before submission to Peer Review -- peace and clear water -- grandbohoo dragon's breath

A3986391 - God Plays Bass

Post 6


AH!!! Now you've GOT something!!!

If one wants the theological proof that sound came first, THERE IT IS!

Now, if only a scientific equivalent can be found (and you ditch the stuff about the not-yet existent hydrogen gas exploding).

smiley - towel

A3986391 - God Plays Bass

Post 7


Ford's Towel -- I made the requesite changes as suggested and believe this is ready for a final review -- peace Grandbohoo

A3986391 - God Plays Bass

Post 8


Author has elvised - back to entry?

smiley - panda

A3986391 - God Plays Bass

Post 9

Kat - From H2G2

Actually I'm wondering about FM for this one...

A3986391 - God Plays Bass

Post 10


Sure, FM it is smiley - smiley

smiley - panda

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