God Plays Bass

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God Plays Bass

Preposition: God Plays Bass
It is known, proven in fact, both spiritually and scientifically that Sound existed before light at the creation of this existence we call Life, the Universe and Everything! This Cosmic Gigantic Bass Thump! Or God’s Perfect Bass Notes that measures exactly 1 light year in length caused the Big Bang explosion that brought us into the light. So in fact God plays Bass and all music and our connection to the infinite spirit of rock’n roll is directly related to these notes in God’s original musical score. In fact the first five books of Moses and the Prophets are all written as musical scores with chants called Trope that must be learned so you can Sing the Ancient Aramaic (Hebrew) Musical Score.

The more we learn of Science the closer the original Biblical Text becomes aligned with Scientific Facts!

Scientific bases:
First Sound Waves Left Imprint on the Universe The early universe rang with the sound of countless cosmic bells, which filled the primordial darkness with ripples like the surface of a pond pounded by stones. The wave fronts later served as spawning grounds for galaxies, astronomers announced Tuesday. see below note 1
Therefore sound existed before the presence of light created by the birth of Stars within the Galaxies.

Spiritual bases:
Christian Text Genesis 1:2-1:3 “And the Spirit of God was moving upon the waters of the deep” and God Said “Let there be Light”
Hebrew Text: Genesis 1:2-1:3 The earth was without form and empty, with darkness on the face of the depths, but God’s Spirit moved on the water's surface (Hebrew transliteration: Veha'arets hayetah tohu vavohu vechoshech al-peney tehom veruach Elohim merachefet al-peney hamayim) God said, 'There shall be light,' and light came into existence (Vayomer Elohim yehi-or vayehi-or)

Therefore God Plays Bass – This Cosmic Bass Thump! or the “Word” or “Sound” of God came first before the Light. Note also that before light -- The Spirit of God has also been expressed as the Wind of God – in keeping with Science: filled the primordial darkness with ripples – and Biblical: moved upon the waters of the deep. Ibid.

So why is God a Bass Player? The original five books of the Bible “The Torah” as written by Moses in ancient Aramaic (Hebrew) was in fact written with musical notation and is chanted or sung in Trope not spoken. All Hebrew Students are thought this Trope in Hebrew Class and that “The sound of the musical score is as important as the words themselves.” The Torah is in fact only written with the consonants or the Bass Notes all the vowels that make up the melody are left out.

Yet from Science: It has been scientifically determined that the longest known wavelength of sound -- i.e. the lowest Bass note, measures exactly one light year in length. Everything within this physical universe is defined by light theory i.e. E=MC². It is impossible to determine that this sound wave existed before the theoretical time of the event now known as the Big Bang, yet it is proven that it existed at the time of the explosion and before the existence of Galaxies; i.e. Stars and that Light in fact came after the existence of sound! In fact the sound wave that ripple out helped create the galaxies and basis of all life. We are all connected to this musical score and can feel the spirit move within us from this sound!

Note: 1
First Sound Waves Left Imprint on the Universe
By Robert Roy Britt Senior Science Writer
posted: 12 January 2005
The whole thing sits there and rings like a bell," Eisenstein said. The thick hot soup would transmit sound waves in the same manner that air or water do. When the fog cleared, the sound waves would have remained as countless ripples of material.
Here's the neat part: Think of a rock dropped into a pond, Eisenstein suggested. The ripples are areas where extra water is piled up. In the early cosmos, the sound ripples would have been areas where extra matter piled up, and more galaxies should have formed along these ripples than elsewhere. "The twist is, [the extra matter represented by] the rock also helped formed galaxies," he said.


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