A Conversation for God Plays Bass

Flea Market: A3986391 - God Plays Bass

Post 1


Entry: God Plays Bass - A3986391
Author: grandbohoo - U1528919

Any takers?

A3986391 - God Plays Bass

Post 2

Number Six

Whoever thought this was Flea Market material really wants a slap.

smiley - mod

A3986391 - God Plays Bass

Post 3

Tom tamer of the lion

this is great, its alot better than some of the stuf I write. Any way if you are being serious about this being took up by some one i'll do it.

A3986391 - God Plays Bass

Post 4


I would like to propose Back to Entry

Not Edited Guide material. But see: A4449369 God Plays Bass - A Poem


A3986391 - God Plays Bass

Post 5

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - ok

I knew there was a reason God
wont let me unsubscribe
from the Flea Market.

Sure, I've tried a few times,
everytime BB's finds clutter
up my homepage and push all
my current convos down
outa site
outa mind

But they keep coming these
Flea Bitten entries

And sometimes, they bear fruit!

smiley - cool

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