A Conversation for Douglas Adams' Family Reviews the Movie

Thank you! :-)

Post 1


Thank you! smiley - spacesmiley - smiley

And my very best wishes smiley - spacesmiley - towel

Thank you! :-)

Post 2


Dear James,

I found my old copy of Hitchhikers the other day and I wanted to pass it onto a Canadian friend who hadn't read it before. On the way in to work I took it out of my bag and started reading it again, it was a magical moment and I was laughing that morning. I did manage to place my much loved book on my friend's desk. Now she's laughing too.

Can't wait to see the filmsmiley - biggrin

Thank you! :-)

Post 3

Shea the Sarcastic

Thanks from me as well!

I just loaned out one of my copies of Hitchhikers as well. I suppose since the first one was a gift, it's good to pass it on! smiley - biggrin

Thank you! :-)

Post 4


I just loaned my copy to my mom and dad. Mom has finished it, doesn't quite get it but laughed and my dad is not so sure, but it feels good to invite them somewhat into my world. I not only reread the book recently, but reread the radio transcripts, and recently bought and watched the tv series. I'm excited for the movie, have plans to go see it with the friends I discovered the book with that I haven't seen in a few years. There is definitly a magic to these books.

Thank you! :-)

Post 5


I am very excited to see the movie, and from the trailers that I've seen it should live up to the book!

Speaking of which has anyone ever seen a copy of the book with a one eyed smiley on the cover graphic?

Much thanks again to DNA and family!
smiley - biggrin

Thank you! :-)

Post 6


Yeah, I bought a copy of the book with the smiley face on the front last year. I live abroad and all my original H2G2 books are back in the UK so I couldn't resist buying it, as it has all the books in one edition.

I think that it must be a US book though as it had lots of American English spelling in it, you know....'color' and such like.

Still well worth it of course.

Thank you! :-)

Post 7


You say it had the one eye smiley on it?

I am interested in finding a copy of this one as it was the first version of the book that I read when I was in high school, almost 15 years ago. At the time I had a friend who had a little homemade tattoo gun and I had him give me a little one eyed happy face!

I am in the US, and I know what you mean about the spellings. For a little bit i was trying to use the euro spellings here but it seemed a bit placated.
smiley - biggrin

Thank you! :-)

Post 8

Shanana the cannibalistic banana

Try e-bay. That's where I got my copy. all the american editions have that smiley - even so long and thanks for all the fish and mostly harmless.

I just discovered my flatmate has only read the first page of the book.

I am horrendously sad.

;_; Sad.

Thank you! :-)

Post 9


Perhaps you may suggest a strong drink or three, you know, as a muscle relaxant. smiley - cheers

I'm quite sure that my copy doesn't have it. It's not in front of me but the graphic is of a flat grid of coloured spheres and such.

I'm just glad to know that it (the one I recall) does actually exist!
smiley - smiley

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