A Conversation for Douglas Adams' Family Reviews the Movie

Rumors. . .

Post 1


I have heard rumors that in the movie Zaphod is to have only one head and two arms. To me, this sounds like a potentially large "mistake." Just wondered if anyone could clarify. . .not that it will stop me from going to the first showing next week, I am wayyyy to estatic to let ANYTHING stop me!! I just wondered.

Rumors. . .

Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit not seen the movie
"Wait and see, you will not be disappointed smiley - biggrin"

Rumors. . .

Post 3


In the trailer there is clear evidence for two faces, and a slapping occurs when two arms are easily accounted for, indicating the presence of a third.

I thought everyone around here was obsessive (as people are about Star Wars, y'know) and would have been going to see films just to see the trailer. Or downloading it... Nice to see that some people are more relaxed about these things.

Rumors. . .

Post 4

Bob McBob

Zaphod has 2 heads (one pops up from beneath the other one in a way you can't really explain) and he really does have 3 arms too.

Look at the trailers on the official UK site - http://www.thefilmfactory.co.uk/hitchhikers/global/

Bob McBob

Rumors. . . Trailers

Post 5


Apple Trailers has three versions of the trailer, but then again, it's Wednesday night in the UK, so most of you have probably seen it by now!

Rumors. . . Trailers

Post 6


Unfortunatly I am in the US and the trailer they are showing does not clearly show it. I attempted downloading the trailer and can get full sound but the graphics jump too much to see a lot. I would definitly count as one of the obsessive. . .I have the radio show on cd, the transcripts, 2 copies of the book, the tv series, and the movie poster!!!! The count down is one (it's released here in 5 days!!!!)

Rumors. . . Trailers

Post 7


Dear Psy,

Well, I assume you've seen the flick (as have I) and would love to hear your comments. I've been a fan since 1978 and have infected ... er... introduced it to everyone I have come across.

With regard to the Apple trailer, I'm in Los Angeles and know that the problem you are having with downloading the trailer is connection speed and/or your computer's capabilities. I can't watch it on the prehistoric Apple I have at home, but I can watch it on the supercomputer at work. Of course, this is all moot since we've seen the bleedin' movie!

Rumors. . . Trailers

Post 8


Honestly, I was pretty disappointed with the movie. I thought the casting was decent (with the possible exception of Trillian), but thought that Humma Kuvula's bit was too much, the Arthur/Trillian love story was too much, and just didn't have the over all "hitchhiker's" feel. Parts were good, I loved the dolphins, I wish they had put the deep thought scene with Slartibartfast were it was and wish there had been more with the 42 and the Arthur/Zaphod dialacts. I was also VERY dissatisfied with the Zaphod's two heads bit. The concept of the other head "springing" (for lack of a better word) out from under the first could have been good, though I would like to have seen conversation between the two heads, and was disappointed when the second head was removed. I won't say that I will not own the movie or go again, because I am that big of a fan, but overall I was disappointed. I have not been a fan as long as you have (I wasn't even born in 1978smiley - smiley) only about 4 years, but would definitly qualify myself as one of the biggest fans and have also "infected" many others. I would love to hear what you thought of the movie!

No more Rumours

Post 9


Dear Psy,

Thanks for being so candid with your opinions. Here in La-La Land, too many people give nothing but vagaries - "oh, yeah, I thought it was interesting..."

I thought that Marvin and Arthur were the TOPS!, Zaphod was a little less than perfect and Mos Def did the best he could. I thought Trillian was better than she was in the TV show - mainly because she was more realistic.

I believe that I - and many of my contemporaries - were a little more accepting of the changes because we are more used to DNA changing everything over and over and over and over again. I knew the movie would not be the same as the TV show as the TV show was different from the books which were different from the Radio series.

Please understand that I am not trying to wax messsianic, it's just a theory I have.

I LOVED Humma Kavula - probably because the actor is such a big fan, and DNA wrote a special role for him and tied it in with the Great Green Arkleseizure theory of the beginnings of the Universe.

Okay, enough babbling. If you would like to discuss further, my email is: su-kim @leenet.org

No more Rumours

Post 10


I was not convinsed about the film smiley - erm
it was funey in parts but lost the plot.

Trillen was good thow mutch better loking than in the tv seresesmiley - biggrin

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