A Conversation for Douglas Adams' Family Reviews the Movie

Thankyou To the DNA family

Post 1

Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge

I would like to thank the family of Douglas for their support in the making of this film, i also have waited what seems all my life for this, my kids have been bought up on DNA writings, we read The Salmon of Doubt while touring europe in our circus bus, dirk gently in Dubai and at the moment i am reading the trilogy? again to my 10 year old son, I tried to get some Observer preview screening tickets for us all but after a 50 mile drive i missed the last four by.....yes minutes....we will be going on thursday next week, the tickets are booked and we cannot wait.

I am glad the family are happy with it as i know i will be.

Thankyou Douglas i know you are watching.smiley - ok

Kaptin Kipper

Thankyou To the DNA family

Post 2


Well I wasn't awre the film was coming out until Iswa the posters, I'm 34 and as excited as a kid,
Star wars be blowed this is what i never new i was waiting for.
Thankyou to all involved.
Alansmiley - magic

Thankyou To the DNA family

Post 3


this site is giving away tickets at various cinemas for Sunday 23th April. You have to get your request in before 2pm 22nd.

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