A Conversation for CHOPPERS: The H2G2 Guild Of Superheros

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 981


*points at 'Lost and Found' battered cardboard box on the desk*
smiley - erm What about...

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 982

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*looks in the Lost and Found box*

Hey that's my best cape in there ..... I thought Evillene had nabbed that smiley - biggrin

Look - there's Uncle Heavy's Hybiscus patterned shirt as well smiley - yikes

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 983

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

Ooh, and some marbles! Who here has lost their marbles?

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 984


Oi, stop the pushing! Form an orderly queue!

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 985

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*tries to peer over Vestboy's shoulder to get a better view*

smiley - cdouble

That's Rat Boys famous Rat Hat !

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 986


It's a bit battered. Its sort of a Tatty Rat Hat!

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 987

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

I remember when he lost it ..... there was a Tatty Rat Hat Ta Ta smiley - wah

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 988

The Lost Philosopher: A Rebel Without a Clue

Thankyou all, very much. And yes, "Lost" is a permanent (or however you spell that) title. The Rebel Part is not.

Give a few momenteetoes to check out all of the information I was handed. See you Soon!

(Sits down in a corner of the thread, reading, and deciding what his super powers/abilities/schtick is.

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 989

The Lost Philosopher: A Rebel Without a Clue

Hooooooo boy...

That is one huge load of cleche`s.

(Opens a palm pilot like device and reads off of it, tapping it a random. Various combinations of Lycra and spandex and hats and masks and what not pop in and out of existence on him. he settles on a black, leather, jagged edged full cape (much like batmans). A cowled hood attached to the cape masks his face. He appears to wear black leather gloves and dark pants with big ole' combat boots. A tight black tee shirt shows off his (of course) excellent physique. A utility belt and bandolier cross his waist and chest. Various gadgets and weapons are tucked away in it. A Question mark appears on his Tee Shirt. He rises to about 6 feet and toys with his power of pyrokenesis. And then, he's done.)

Well, I think that just about does it.

(Begins "Gargoyle Crouch Pose". A wind comes out of nowhere, fluttering his great cape)

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 990

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

smiley - applause

Hmm. Why is it that all super-heroes have excellent physiques apart from me? smiley - sadface Why does librarian stereotype win out over super-hero cliche?

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 991


Flatulance man?

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 992

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

~currently in guise of Fashion Victim Boy~

That outfit is so cool I could change everything about it smiley - winkeye

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 993

The Lost Philosopher: A Rebel Without a Clue

(From the depths of his cowl)

What un-justices are committed in my gaze?

(Gazes over H2G2 community)

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 994


*suddenly feels guilty*
The way the cake was cut I thought you were allowed to take two pieces...

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 995

The Lost Philosopher: A Rebel Without a Clue

3, actually. More smiley - cake?

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 996


smiley - smiley For me?

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 997

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

I'm hanging my cape up and retiring from CHOPPERS folks. During my time here I created 7 CHOPPERS entires ...... does anyone want to take them over ? They are :-

A665688 - CHOPPERS Handbook Part 1
A771383 - CHOPPERS Handbook Part 2
A974487 - CHOPPERS Mad Scientist Lab
A971471 - Dial H for Hero
A959637 - The Silencer
A957693 - The Thwarter
A904303 - CHOPPERS Revolutionary HQ

If no one is interested I'm probably just delete them.

Cheerio, it's been fun .... just not a lot for me at the moment smiley - sadface


WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 998

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

I'm happy to take them over, but I'm not sure how that would work.

Come back soon...?

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 999


Red Dog, I hope you read this. You've put in a lot of work in on this and I'm really grateful for that. It would be a shame if you went but if you don't get any enjoyment out of it then you shouldn't stay and suffer.

Have a think about things and then come back refreshed and looking for fun here - rather than logic or sanity!

I hope you come back soon.

WANTED: NEW HEROS. Must have licence. SuperPowers optional.

Post 1000

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Thanks Vestie but I think other folk made my mind up for me ..... it may be a shame I didn't get any support from the rest of the Heroes for Red Fox's attack on me when I needed it - the only things I got from our side was silence and unfair criticism and insensitivity from Scandrea. I don't see how I can get any enjoyment in this situation and I think I can tell when I'm not wanted or appreciated.

I'm pretty upset about this given the amount of time and effort I put into it - I kept the whole damn thing going on my own for ages, building entries, recruiting, shoring up support, trying to make things interesting and exciting for everyone. Unhappy ? you bet I am smiley - sadface

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