A Conversation for CHOPPERS: The H2G2 Guild Of Superheros

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 181

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

*ferrets around in cardigan pocket*

No superglue, but I've got some book-repair tape if that's any use?

*glances nervously at the army of time travellers*

Is it just me, or do they outnumber us?

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 182

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*opens cupboard*

*finds some superglue*

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 183

Dizzy the Void

[Yar] [glancing out the door] Well, there is me.

[Several more Yars enter.]

[First Yar] Yes. Me and me and me.

[Seventh Yar] Me too.

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 184

Just Justin... (ACE)

ok... this is getting wierd...

*takes out mobile phone*

"operator? Can you upload a matrix-style program that lets me take on a few hundred clones?"

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 185

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

No, please, clones are a nightmare to classify.

*starts whimpering at the thought*

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 186

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost *makes judicious use of the superglue*

smiley - puff Whew. Thanks; I just couldn't face going through life buttless.

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 187

Dizzy the Void

[Fourth Yar] Nah, actually, all we need to do is cause a rip in the space-time continuum, and then things should reset themselves.

[Eighth Yar] Darn.

[Second Yar] Are you sure that'll work?

[Fifth Yar] Maybe, but you might want to be careful about it.

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 188

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

I have some experience with my 10 Red Dog clones ..... sadly none of it is good smiley - sadface

I'm still paying off the fines and the payments on the fleet of fast cars they bought. One of them even got me thrown out of the Musehome.

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 189


Skullock #5: But we're not clones.

Original Skullock: Yeah, they're all me...

Skullock #3: Just from various...

Skullock #7: Points in time

Skullock #4:in the future.

Original Skullock: All right, You guys need to stop the finishing my sentances thing, because it's freaking me out.

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 190


Any heros left around here?

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 191

Just Justin... (ACE)

*waves hands in air*
Me! Me! oh! pick me!

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 192


Ooo, yay, I was just thought this was a fun thread so I thought I'd seek it out and see why it died and if we could bring the thread back to life.

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 193

Just Justin... (ACE)

i think one of the sides won... no idea which one it was though...

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 194


Hmmm...i don't really see how that's possible.

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 195

Dizzy the Void

[The door opens, revealing Dylan (the teen at the computer typing this up), the Keymaker from The Matrix Reloaded, and the Matrix's "back corridors."]

[Dylan] Wrong door again.

[Keymaker] I /told/ you to let /me/ lead.

[Dylan] Okay, fine. [slams the door]

[Eleventh Yar] That was stupid.

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 196

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

The triumph of good is depressingly inevitable for a villain - Laws of Heroic Cliches and all that smiley - winkeye

*has a quick read of A771383 just to reassure himself*

Hmmm. Actually I'm not that sure about this stopping by and having a chat malarky though - it's not in my handbook and neither Plan 1 or Plan 2 seem to apply in these situations (A665688). Whatever happened to the good old world domination plan, the abduction of a helpless librarian, or the seizure of some really nasty and vicious weapon from a legitimate though slightly stupid government.

You're not the usual kind of villain are you Skullock - you'll be asking for a Cup of smiley - tea and a smiley - strawberry tart next smiley - evilgrin

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 197

Existential Elevator

smiley - headhurts

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 198

Dizzy the Void

[Dylan] [opening the door again] He /is/ a !

[Original Yar] Oh buzz off, you.

[Dylan] Fine! [slams the door]

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 199


Well seeing as how i never actually excaped from your clutches in the first place I thought that i'd pop back in and see how i was doing. Besides arn't Villians such as my self suposed to put themselves in seemingly stupid situations, taunt the good guys, and then escape from the clutches of defeat?

*Glances around the room for the tea trolly.*

The attack of CHOPPERS by STUMPED

Post 200

Just Justin... (ACE)

*comes in with tea Trolley*

Tea, anyone?

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