A Conversation for Talking Point: Old Media
NPY Started conversation Jun 25, 2008
Think we need to, or still will, share between both forms of media. Like at the moment, very few models of cars have adaptors for mp3 players, so we use our CDs and tapes. It's quite awkward to read from a computer of the beach, and a book takes up much less space in our suitcase.
McKay The Disorganised Posted Jul 1, 2008
I think newspapers have to change their target - we no longer buy them to get news, we buy them for informed opinion, or in-depth analysis, or to link disparate news items.
TV and the Internet can provide the instant headline news at speeds newspapers can't even contemplate, and also offer the debate facilities that match any found in the pub, or the canteen.
NPY Posted Jul 2, 2008
Good point. Newspapers can so often be out of date by the time they reach the shops. Maybe we need a kind of e-newspaper. Though I think people do still like sitting down with a and the paper.
And there definately is a thing with the tabloids where the headlines aren't news as such, but stories about the Spice Girls, or some footbaloler's party or whatever. And page 3....?
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