A Conversation for Talking Point: Old Media
What's Old Media?
FordsTowel Started conversation Jun 30, 2008
I tend to keep some very 'actual weighty dictionaries' around, although mostly for special circumstances. I normally don't need to refer to them; but, when I do, it's because the most up-to-date online dictionaries tend not to have all of the words and/or definitions I'm trying to find.
When I use an online tool, it's more likely to be for an industry buzzword definition then for conversational reasons.
When I hear of new music by a favorite band, I often listen to it on the radio. If I happen across a tune I like somewhere like youtube, I may save it until I decide whether I really want it, which would mean buying a CD, Tape, or Vinyl. Unfortunately, much of the music I like best is very hard to find; so, it's probably a good thing that I don't look for them through a digital service that doesn't have my stuff anyway.
New? Newspapers? News sites? None of the above. I get most of my news from radio, and a bit of a supplement from television.
I love owning and reading books, but don't care to read them in digital format. Maybe it's the fonts they use. Frankly, I'm not sure that 'Old Media' isn't an oxymoron. There are still legitimate uses for the stone tablet (mostly on the fronts of buildings ).
I use media that best suits my needs for the information. For me, the internet is still mostly for communication and a bit of entertainment; but not for news, casual reading, enjoying music, social networking, etc.
Yes, if there is such a thing as 'old media', and as usual, most news stories are a lot of hype. News, in recent years, is always more about the sales than the service, more the mess than the message, more about who's first than who's accurate.
Definitely, in time, we will find more and more worthwhile ways to enjoy any form of communication. We may eventually get it all through walls painted with the latest high-definition screen paint, especially if personal tastes and preferences can also be integrated. Just now, I don't have any particular use or need for higher definition or bigger screens, but that can change.
I believe that there will always be a place for hard-copy media like books. Why make someone find a way to go online when all they want to know is how to turn on their latest gadget? That's what manuals are for. Posted flyers will, until replaced by something yet to be invented, advertise the immediacy of local sales, bands playing gigs, lost kittens and dogs, etc. As long as we're still driving or riding, there will be signage, even if it is electronic. But, what do you do during a power outage, as the batteries start to fade?
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