A Conversation for Talking Point: Old Media
In our house...
Pinniped Started conversation Jun 28, 2008
No longer have:
Record turntable (last 20 or so vinyl albums dutifully stored through self-delusion about future value)
National newspaper
Still around but never used:
Free-standing DVD player
Audio tape deck
Analogue TV aerial
90% of books owned
Seldom used (by any family member):
Library ticket
90% of the remainder of the books owned
CD player
Digital video camera (among our worst investments - replaced by movie mode of cameras and phones)
Real time TV
Regularly used (by most family members):
The last 1% of the books
Landline phone
Local evening paper
Half a dozen or so magazines and periodicals
Heavily used (by all family members):
Personal MP3 players
Mobile phones
PCs + Internet
Signs of the times:
We buy as many books as ever, but nearly all of them on-line.
Nearly all paper correspondence is formal except at Christmas (at other times of year we can't find a stamp when we need it).
The only family members to use fountain pens in the last decade did so under school duress.
Photoalbums, diaries and full-wall bookcases are retained through nostalgia.
The other day I went to the local newsagent, only to find it was boarded up.
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In our house...
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