A Conversation for Talking Point: Superstitions


Post 1


Magpies, black cats, ladders, clovers, salt, shoes on table, and my goodness mirrors?! If i broke one, I would be totally inconsolable!

Having said that, I do try and mitigate the bad luck of single magpies. In my family, if you either salute them, say good morning to them and their families ("Good morning Mr Magpie, say hello to Mrs Magpie for me!") or make the sign of the cross, then you are okay. If the black cat crosses left to right, you are okay, but right to left, definitely not.

Not rational, at all... and every now and again I say 1 single magpie does not have any power in my life. Whereupon I will immediately find my day going south at a great rate of knots! Probably self-fulfilling prophecy!!


Post 2


Hello! smiley - biggrin
'Superstitions', 'Rituals', 'Cultural Beliefs'; call them what you will, they often affect or influence us more than most people would care to admit. smiley - blush
Now THIS is a topic that always triggers the roller coaster ride in my belly to speed up! smiley - erm
Having grown up with a very superstitious mum, I promised myself, that 'I' would be so different when I reached a 'certain age'! smiley - winkeye
Of course, my beloved mum would have never considered herself superstitious; no, she believed in the power of observation.
She also believed in 'logical' conclusions.
(If Mrs B insisted upon allowing a 'Dark Man' to cross her threshhold on New Year's Day, even though she knew it might bring harm to her household, then she could only blame herself, when she lost her purse the very next day! All her rent money gone, who knew where!! smiley - wah)
A Few More Gems To Ponder:smiley - winkeye
--Never go to bed angry; the anger may channel harsh dreams that could permanently inpact upon your nervous system. (Or at least, give you a bad case of heartburn!)
--When walking in the street accompanied by a man, never allow him to walk on the inside.
--Always bring lots of pennies to toss on the floor when moving into a new living space (that's in addition to the 'House Blessing', 'Holy Water', or 'Special Incantations', one would normally use before spending the first night there).
So many, many more come to mind, that I am quite mortified to admit it.
I am, after all, my mum's child!
For better or worse!
A little Salt Over Your Shoulder, Anyone? smiley - magic


Post 3

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hmm...*hums smiley - musicalnoteVery Superstitious then goes back to munching smiley - choc(actually http://www.kerstinschocolates.com Fleur de Sel smiley - choc with a pinch of sea salt)*smiley - winkeye


Post 4


Loved that song! smiley - magic
Thanks for the chocolate link! smiley - choc

"Believing that Life will treat you fairly because you are a 'good' person, is like wearing Red, and believing the Bull will not attack you because you are a Vegetarian".....Dennis Wholey smiley - winkeye


Post 5

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - rofl I'll have to rummage around & dig something out(the grey matter is a bit too clouded right now - ! Godiva mocha didn't quite do it!) Good morning, btw!smiley - smiley


Post 6


"Better to be occasionally cheated than perpetually suspicious." D.C. Forbes


Post 7


Or "The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing(that)you will make one."

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