A Conversation for Talking Point: Superstitions
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FordsTowel Started conversation Nov 11, 2008
Are you superstitious?
Not really, although I sometimes join in on the fun.
Which superstitions do you believe in?
I'm particulary not supestitious about Friday the 13th, although I'm suspicious of it when it falls unexpectedly on a Thursday! Never could get the hang of Thursdays.
What's the most unusual superstition you've heard of?
Any superstition that involves spitting.
Do you think superstitions could be dangerous?
It could be just as dangerous to walk around a ladder as under it, but I avoid walking under anything with a higher probability of falling on me.
Has anything happened to you that you put down to luck?
I'm not sure if Good Luck translates to superstition. Certainly I've had occasional good fortune (and bad).
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