Talking Point: Superstitions

9 Conversations

Some coins thrown onto the leg of a Suffolk pier for luck.

Walking under a ladder, putting an umbrella up indoors, finding a four-leafed-clover, black cats… magpies, spilling salt, finding pennies...a list of superstitions can end up as long as your arm. If you’re a believer, catching a falling leaf or having a black cat cross your path could give a boost to your day - unless of course you trip over the black cat! But what happens if you break a mirror; will you lose sleep worrying about being plagued by bad luck for seven years?

Perhaps you think superstitions are a load of old nonsense and refuse to take any notice, or maybe you just go along with the lucky ones? Who wouldn't like a bit of good luck to come their way? Is there really any harm in thinking that a good or bad event was caused by supernatural forces? Come on, uncross those fingers and tell us...

  • Are you superstitious?

  • Which superstitions do you believe in?

  • What's the most unusual superstition you've heard of?

  • Do you think superstitions could be dangerous?

  • Has anything happened to you that you put down to luck?

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